This school year, my year 5 pupils have been exchanging letters with the students of an English school: St. James´ Church of England Primary School, in Manchester. This project can be held thanks to Ms. Jackie Fay, a very enthusiastic teacher and better friend. She teaches Spanish and is in charge of international contacts .
We have sent 3 letters:
- the 1st one was sent before Xmas and we talked about ourselves: our likes, hobbies, families, favourites, ...
- the 2nd one was written before Easter and we explained how our education system is: our school timetable, our subjects, the exams and marks, ..
- and the 3rd and last one is going to be witten these days; we want to tell them about our plans for the holidays.
A few weeks after posting our letters, we always received their replies. You can´t imagine how excited and happy we were!
I think it is a very interesting experience and we have learned many things, not only about English, also about British children like us: their daily life, their routines, hobbies, interests, ... We would like to keep on with this project next school year and, who knows?, maybe we can become good friends and go to visit them in the future.
If you want to know more about this school, you can visit its website. Just click on this image.