Friday, 31 March 2023

4 IN A YEAR - SPRING: Easter

This is the last day of this second term and that means... EASTER!!! Yes!!! Easter is a great chance to relax and have fun with its traditions. Can you name some of them?

1.- First read the photocopy with the Easter vocabulary that you have in Calameo. How much do you know about Easter?

2.- Now you can do some Liveworksheets: 27 and 28.

2.- Watch this video to see some of the Easter traditions in the UK:   "This is Britain"


3.- Next enjoy this advertisement of Cadbury for televison:



 HOMEWORK: Please 

 1.- Enjoy the Easter break!!!



Thursday, 30 March 2023

4 IN A YEAR - SPRING: Easter

This is the last week of this second term and that means... EASTER!!! Yes!!! Easter is here one more year, a fantastic time to relax and have fun with its traditions. Can you name some of them?

1.- First read the photocopy with the Easter vocabulary that you have in you notebook. How much do you know about Easter?

2.- Watch this video to see some of the Easter traditions in the UK:   "This is Britain"


3.- Next enjoy this advertisement of Cadbury for televison:



 HOMEWORK: Please 

 1.- Enjoy the Easter break!!!

Wednesday, 29 March 2023


Today we will record a podcast about spring, as we did before with the autumn and winter. Remember that you have to speak loud and clear, trying to sound like a native speaker. Practise the lines several times and it will be ok. Hands on!

1.- First, let´s complete the listening and reading comprehension tests.
2.- Now, time to create another amazing image of the winter with AI. Just clicke HERE to start. 
3.- Once you finish, please send your image through EDIXGAL as a task. Thanks! 
4.- Finally complete the Liveworksheets 34-35-36 (4 in a year).


1. Srudy the spring words.

2. Finish the pending activities.

SEASONS - SPRING: Speaking test

Today we are going to talk about a eco-friendly spring. What can we do to be green in spring? How can we be more respectful with the nature? Ready?

1.- First, please write down some tips to GO GREEN IN SPRING.

2.- Now you can do the Liveworksheets 24-25-26 (4 IN A YEAR).


1.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 27 March 2023


We already know many words about the SPRING: colours, months, weather, clothes, fruits, animals, festivals ...
Can you now add some activities we can do during this season? 
There are lots of funny things to do. 
You have some examples on the left picture. Zoom in and take a look...

And later, read composition about this season with all the information we have learned so far. Remember that it is divided in 3 paragraphs:

- PARAGRAPH 1: months, weather, clothes.
- PARAGRAPH 2: nature and animals in spring.
- PARAGRAPH 3: 3 activities you can do this spring.

Letś go!

1.- Let´s begin with this video: spring bucket list.


2.- Now please write a  SPRING BUCKET LIST in your notebook with 3 activities you would like to do this spring (or just underline 3 activities from your photocopy).

3.- Next, we can mix all the information about the spring together in a composition. You have one example in your notebook.  Watch this video to see some more ideas: "What happens in spring?"


4.- Finally complete the Liveworksheets 31-32-33 (4 IN A YEAR). 


 1.- Study the vocabulary and the spring activities. 

 2.- Finish the pending activities.

 3.- Get ready for a READING and  LISTENING  TEST about the spring this Wednesday, the 29th of March.

Thank you! Great job!!!


Have you noticed it? Spring has sprung!!! The days are longer, the weather is warmer and we can see the sun again after the long winter. Today we are going to review the main spring words and facts. Hands on!

1.- Design a cover for spring in your notebook.

2.- Now take a look at the spring vocabulary in Calameo (4 in a year).

3.- Next, design a poster of the spring in groups HERE. Remember to upload it to EDIXGAL.

4.- Now watch this video about "Springtime". You will hear and see many of the expressions from the photocopies. Pay close attention...

5.- You are ready to do the Liveworksheets number 22 and 23 the 4 IN A YEAR workbook: write a poem about the spring (an acrostic).

6.- Finally, think about what you love most about spring. Is it the smell of flowers? Is it the sound of the birds? Or maybe the sunshine? Take a look at this video to get some ideas:

7.- And a gift for you to finish with: "Here comes the sun"



1.- Finish the pending activities.

Friday, 24 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of regular verbs

Today we have a LISTENING and a READING COMPREHENSION TEST.  No panic! You can do it!

Once you finish, we will finish the revision of the regular verbs in the past. 

It´s a piece of cake!


1.- First of all, let´s watch a video about Florence Nightingale, a very famous British nurse from the past. Go to the Liveworksheet number 47 and complete the activities at the same time:


2.- Now let´s do the Liveworksheets number 48 to 50.

3.- Finally, some online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.



1.- Finish the pending activities

2.- Study the regular verbs in the past.

Thursday, 23 March 2023


Have you noticed it? Spring has sprung!!! The days are longer, the weather is warmer and we can see the sun again after the long winter. Today we are going to review the main spring words and facts. Hands on!

1.- Design a cover for spring in your notebook.

2.- Now stick the photocopies with the spring vocabulary in your notebook.

3.- Read the photocopies number 1 and 2,  trying to understand all the words.

4.- Now watch this video about "Springtime". You will hear and see many of the expressions from the photocopies. Pay close attention...

5.- You are ready to do the Liveworksheets number 31 to 34 in the 4 IN A YEAR workbook.

6.- Finally, read the composition about spring and think about what you love most about spring. Is it the smell of flowers? Is it the sound of the birds? Or maybe the sunshine? Take a look at this video to get some ideas:

7.- And a gift for you to finish with: "Here comes the sun"



1.- Study the spring words and questions.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of regular verbs

Today we are going to revise how to speak in the past tense, but only with regular verbs. Remember that we have to add "ED" and use the auxiliary verb DID - DIDN¨T to form interrogative and negative sentences. 

Don´t forget how to pronounce the "ed" or there will be some misunderstanding. 

Hands on!!!

1.- First of all, watch this video to remember how to form the past simple of regular verbs:


 2.- Next, let´s remember some spelling rules to add "ED":


 3.- Now we are ready for action: please complete the Liveworksheets number 44-45-46.

4.- Finally, try these online exercise to reinforce what you have learned HERE.



1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Get ready for a LISTENING and READING TEST next Friday, the 24th of March, about the past simple of regular verbs.

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Speaking test

Today we have the SPEAKING TEST of unit 2. You have to talk about "My superhero". Remember to keep calm and speak clearly, there is no hurry. Try to sound like a native speaker and talk about 5 things:

     1.-Introduction: name, age, personality.

     2.- Physical aspect.

     3.- Clothes and accesories.

     4.- Abilities and superpowers.

     5.- Compare him with other superheroes.

Meanwhile it is not your turn, you have to do The WRITING TEST about the same topic. Write a description about a superhero divided in 5 paragraphs, following the previous indications. It´s easy-peasy!!!

If you finish, please design the first page of the new unit: SPRING.



1.- Get some rest after the exam. You deserve it!!!

Monday, 20 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of regular verbs - pronunciation

 How do you pronounce the "ED" of the past tense? It depends on the final consonant sound: if this sound is a voiced sound or a voiceless sound. There are 3 ways to pronounce it in English. Let's see:

1.- Write down the new content in your notebook.

2.- Watch this video to reinforce what you have just learned:


3.- Now do to e-Dixgal - unit 2 - lesson 7 ("What are you like"?): do the activities 2-5-6-7-8-9 and read Accept the challenge. 

4.- Finally, complete the Liveworksheets number 42 and 43



1.- Study the pronunciation of the ED in the past tense. 

2.- Finish the pending activities. 

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Grammar test


Today is the day. Don´t panic! Just focus on the tasks and ask if you have doubts.

Do your best and forget the rest!!! 

Friday, 17 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past of regular verbs - spelling rules

Now that we already know how to form the past simple of the regular verbs, let' s see the spelling rules to add "ED".

1.- Write down the spelling rules to add "ED" in your notebook. You can also read them in Calameo (on the right).

2.- Now watch this video to fix this new content:


3.- Next go to e-Dixgal - unit 2 - lesson 6 "Sports and fun": do the exercises 1 to 6 and  read  "Accept the challenge". 

4.- Finally comple the Liveworksheets 38 to 41 in unit 2.



1.- Study the spelling rules to add ED. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- MINI-TEST: Past simple of regular verbs - Wednesday, the 22nd of March.

Thursday, 16 March 2023


Today has been a special day at school: we have celebrated 
St. Patrick´s Day with the visit of Declan Mathews, an Irish teacher, member of honour of our school community. So we all have been Irish for a day, and wore green, a lucky colour. We have learned many facts about Ireland thanks to Declan: its location, flag, population, capital city, currency, main dishes, musical instruments and some traditions about this popular celebration. At the end, we had to answer 10 questions of a quiz and, as we did it so well, we got the leprechaun´s pot of gold!!! Hurray!!!
Here are the pics of this unforgettable day and some games to practise the words.
 Thank you so much, Declan, for your patience, kindness and wisdom! 

IRISH FOR A DAY - 16th March 2023

1.- First of all, watch this video to learn the vocabulary of this important celebration:


2.- Now let´s see some traditions related to this day:

3.- Do you remember the sad story of Molly Malone, the Irish fishmonger? Let´s sing along:


FESTIVALS - ST. PATRICK´S DAY: Irish for a day

Today has been a special day at school: we have celebrated 
St. Patrick´s Day with the visit of Declan Mathews, an Irish teacher, member of honour of our school community. So we all have been Irish for a day, and wore green, a lucky colour. We have learned many facts about Ireland thanks to Declan: its location, flag, population, capital city, currency, main dishes, musical instruments and some traditions about this popular celebration. At the end, we had to answer 10 questions of a quiz and, as we did it so well, we got the leprechaun´s pot of gold!!! Hurray!!!
Here are the pics of this unforgettable day and some games to practise the words.
 Thank you so much, Declan, for your patience, kindness and wisdom! 

IRISH FOR A DAY - 16th March 2023

1.- First of all, watch this video to learn the vocabulary of this important celebration:


2.- Now let´s see some traditions related to this day:

3.- Do you remember the sad story of Molly Malone, the Irish fishmonger? Let´s sing along:



Today we will revise all the contents we have learned in this unit, this way we will be more than ready for the GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY TEST we are having this Monday, the 20th of March

Time to hit the books. It is not difficult at all, just remember to practice a bit before the day.

 YOU CAN DO IT!!! Hands on!!!

1.- First things first: let´s check what we have to study for the test.

2.- Secondly, please go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - Revision: activities 2 to 12.

3.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 32-33.



1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Study hard for the TEST of this Monday the 20th of March:

     - personality adjectives

     - superheroes: superpowers, clothes, weapons

     - comparatives

     - subject and object pronouns

     - verb CAN

     - the project: My superhero

3.- SPEAKING TEST: Wednesday, the 23rd of March.

Wednesday, 15 March 2023


Today we will revise all the contents we have learned in this unit, this way we will be more than ready for the
GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY TEST we are having this Monday, the 20th of March

Time to hit the books. It is not difficult at all, just remember to practice a bit before the day.

 YOU CAN DO IT!!! Hands on!!!

1.- First things first: let´s write down the question words of this unit in your notebook. You can also see them in Calameo (on the left of this blog).

2.- Secondly, let´s prepare the project of this unit: "My superhero". You have to stick a photocopy as an example in your notebook. Remember that you have to write 5 paragraphs:

     - PARAGRAPH 1: name, age, personality, likes.

     - PARAGRAPH 2: physical aspect

     - PARAGRAPH 3: clothes, accesories and weapons

     - PARAGRAPH 4: Abilities and superpowers

     - PARAGRAPH 5: Comparison with other superheroes

3.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - Heroes in literature and films: exercises 2 to 11.

4.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - Revision: activities 2 to 12.

5.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 29-30-31.



1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Study hard for the TEST next Monday the 20th of March:

     - personality adjectives

     - superheroes: superpowers, clothes, weapons

     - comparatives

     - subject and object pronouns

     - verb CAN

     - the project: My superhero

3.- SPEAKING TEST: Wedenesday, the 23rd of March: "My suoerhero".

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past of regular verbs

Now that we are learning to speak about other times, let's see how to form the past simple of regular verbs:

1.- Write down the past simple of regular verbs in your notebooks (you can also see it in Calameo, on the right).

 2.- Watch this video to reinforce the new structure:

3.- Now go to e-Dixgal, unit 2, lesson 4 ("What did you do?"): complete the exercises 1-2-3- and read Accept the challenge. 

4.- Finally, try these online exercises HERE.

5.- Complete the Liveworksheets number 34 to 38.


1.- Study the past simple of regular verbs for a mini-test next Friday, the 17th.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 13 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Grammar test



Let´s go over the modal verb CAN in the 3 forms: affirmative, ngative and interrogative. As you know, we use it to express abilities and it always goes with another verb, the main verb, which gives the meaning to the sentence. Hands on!!!

1.- First of all, let´s practise the verb CAN with this funny game: HERE.                                       

 3.- Let´s go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "What can you do?": activities 1-3-4-5-9-10-11-12-13 and Accept the challenge.

4.- Next please complete the Liveworksheets 26-27-28..

5.- Finally, try these online exercises and games HERE.



1.- Study this unit for a GRAMMAR TEST next Monday, the 20th of March.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- Remember to wear green clothes this Friday.

Friday, 10 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: There was - there were

 Today we will learn how to express the existence of something in the past. Pay attention!

1.- Please write down the new expression in your notebook: THERE WAS - THERE WERE.

2.- Now watch this video to remember this new expression:


3.- Finally please complete the Liveworksheets number 27 to 33. 



1.- Study the verb TO BE in the past and THERE WAS - THERE WERE for a test next Monday. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- Try this online game HERE.

Thursday, 9 March 2023


Let´s finish learning the modal verb CAN. As you know, we use it to express abilities and it always goes with another verb, the main verb, which gives the meaning to the sentence. It´s easy-peasy!!!

1.- First of all, let´s write the verb CAN in the present tense, in negative and interrogative, as well as the short answers. 

2.- Now, please watch this video to learn it by heart:


 3.- Let´s go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "Superhero abilities": activities 2 to 12 and Accept the challenge.

4.- Next please complete the Liveworksheets 23-24-25-26.

5.- Finally, try these online exercises and games HERE.



1.- Study the verb CAN for a mini test next Monday: affirmative, negative and interrogative.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 8 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of verb TO BE

1.- Let´s start with the mini-test of the verb TO BE in the past.

2.- Now let´s write some time expressions which go with the past tense.

3.- Next please complete the Liveworksheets numbers 22 to 25.

4.- Try now these online games HERE and HERE.

5.- Finally, please do as much exercises as you wish HERE.


1.- Study the verb TO BE in the past.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Today we will revise all what we have been learning in this unit so far. Let´s do a reading comprehension and some exercises to fix the new concepts in our brains. Besides, we will learn the present simple of the modal verb CAN in affirmative. Let´s go!!!

1.- First things first: mini-test about the comparatives and the object pronouns. Good luck!!!

2.- Now let´s write down the present of the verb CAN in our notebooks.

3.- Next please go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "We need a superhero": activities 2 to 10 and Accept the challenge.

4.- Finally, let´s do the Liveworksheets number 20-21-22.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Study the verb CAN.


Monday, 6 March 2023


Today we will learn the past tense, so let´s travel to the past and see how people lived in ancient times, focusing in our ancestors the Celts. Ready? 

1.- Let´s begin with the verb TO BE in the past. Write down the conjugation in your notebooks (you can see it in Calameo, on the right). It´s easy-peasy!

2.- Next you can watch this video to fix this new tense:

3.- Now let´s find out what you did yesterday with these two games: GAME 1 - GAME 2.

4.- Next, please complete the Liveworksheets number 18-19-20-21-22 (unit 2 - Simply the best).

5.- You can play this game HERE as a treat.

6.- Finally, some more online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.


1.- Study the verb TO BE in the past: we have a mini-test next day!!!

2.- Finish the pending activities.

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Object pronouns

Let´s keep on practising how to compare 2 people or things. Now we know the rules to do it, but let´s see some special cases, irregular adjectives that don´t follow the rules, such as GOOD or BAD. Apart from that, we will learn the personal object pronouns, which are different from the subject pronouns we learned some weeks ago. Ready?

1.- First of all, let´s do the MINI -TEST about the comparative form. 

2.- When you finish, please write down the special cases of the comparative form in your notebook.

3.- Now watch this video to fix them:


4.- Now let´s go to E-Dixgal - unit 2 - "Comparing people": activity 15 and read Accept the challege.

5.- Let´s write down the personal objects pronouns in your notebook. Remember that they never act as the subject of a sentence. 

 6.- Now watch this video to see them:


6.- Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets number 13 to 19. 


1.- Study the new expressions. We have got a MINI-TEST of the object pronouns and the comparative form (including the special cases) in the next lesson. 

 2.- Finish the pending activities.

Friday, 3 March 2023

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Grammar test

Today is the day! 

We have to sit a test about comparatives, superlatives and the modal verb CAN. So put on your thinking cap and hands on... 

Don't panic! It' s a piece of cake...


Thursday, 2 March 2023

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Comparative form

Time to learn the comparative form. Remember that we use it to compare 2 people or animals or objects. Ready?

1.- Firstly, please write down how to use the comparative form in your notebook, as long as the rules to add "er". Remember that there is a form for short adjectives and a different one for long adjectives.

2.- Now watch this video to learn the new rules by heart.


3.- Time to go to EDIXGAL- unit 2 - "Comparing people": exercises 3 to 13.

4.- Next, please do the Liveworksheets number 10-11-12.

7.- Finally, you can play some games HERE


1.- Stydy the comparative form: MINI TEST on Monday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Wednesday, 1 March 2023


Today we will revise all the vocabulary and expressions we have learned about superheroes so far. Let´s see their personality traits, superpowers, clothes and accesories. Ready?

1.- First things first: let´s read the photocopy with the superhero outfit that you have got in your notebook. Highlight the more important words and try to learn them by heart.

2.- Watch this video to remember some of the new words:

3.- Now you are ready to complete the Liveworksheets 5 to 9.

WE  CAN  CALL   IT   A   DAY!!!


1.- Study the new vocabulary.
2.- Finish the pending activities.



Let´s review the verb CAN today in all its forms. And let´s learn the different uses of this modal verb. Easy-peasy!

1.- Write down the verb CAN in your notebook. You can also see it in Calameo, on the right.

2.- Now watch this video about the verb CAN:



4.- Next please complete the Liveworksheets 12 to 17.

5.- Finally, try these online exercises and games HERE.



1.- Study the verb CAN and  the comparative and superlative for a GRAMMAR TEST next Friday, the 3rd of March.

2.- Finish the pending activities.