Wednesday 22 March 2023

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Speaking test

Today we have the SPEAKING TEST of unit 2. You have to talk about "My superhero". Remember to keep calm and speak clearly, there is no hurry. Try to sound like a native speaker and talk about 5 things:

     1.-Introduction: name, age, personality.

     2.- Physical aspect.

     3.- Clothes and accesories.

     4.- Abilities and superpowers.

     5.- Compare him with other superheroes.

Meanwhile it is not your turn, you have to do The WRITING TEST about the same topic. Write a description about a superhero divided in 5 paragraphs, following the previous indications. It´s easy-peasy!!!

If you finish, please design the first page of the new unit: SPRING.



1.- Get some rest after the exam. You deserve it!!!