As its title indicates, we will learn about superheroes and their superpowers. How much do you know about superheroes? Can you name their gadgets? What is your favourite one?
As you know, superheroes appear in films, books and comics, but don´t forget that we can find other superheroes in real life. And, somehow, we are all superheroes, aren´t we? We are brave, strong, patient, helpful, positive... We are the best!!!
I am an English teacher, what´s your superpower?
1.- Please design the first page for this unit in your notebook: UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO.
I am an English teacher, what´s your superpower?
1.- Please design the first page for this unit in your notebook: UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO.
2.- Now write down the CONTENTS of this unit: copy them from Calameo unit 2 (on the left of the blog, under the accsess to Liveworksheets).
3.- Next, stick with glue all the photocopies with the vocabulary of this unit. Please read and learn the personality adjectives (photocopies 1 and 2).
4.- Now we are ready to go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "A difficult school task": exercises 2 to 10 and read ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE.
5.- Let´s reinforce the personality adjectives doing the Liveworksheets number 1 and 2.
6.- Finally, if you want to find out your superpower, do this test:
Task complete!!! You are a real superhero!!!
1.- Study the new vocabulary.
2.- Finish the pending activities.