Today we are going to revise how to speak in the past tense, but only with regular verbs. Remember that we have to add "ED" and use the auxiliary verb DID - DIDN'T to form interrogative and negative sentences.
Don´t forget how to pronounce the "ed" or there will be some misunderstanding.
Hands on!!!
1.- First of all, watch this video to remember how to form the past simple of regular verbs:
2.- Next, let´s remember some spelling rules to add "ED":
3.- Let's play a speaking game to practice the past of regular verbs: HERE.
4.- Now we are ready for action: please complete the Liveworksheets number 42 to 46.
5.- Finally, try these online exercise to reinforce what you have learned HERE.
1.- Finish the pending activities.
2.- Get ready for a LISTENING and READING TEST next Tuesday, the 18th of March, about the past simple of regular verbs.