Thursday, 29 February 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Grammar test

Today is the day! 

We have to sit a test about comparatives, superlatives and the modal verb CAN. So put on your thinking caps on and hands on... 

Don't panic! It' s a piece of cake...


UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Verb CAN - affirmative form

Today we will revise all what we have been learning in this unit so far. Let´s do a reading comprehension and some exercises to fix the new concepts in our brains. Besides, we will learn the present simple of the modal verb CAN in affirmative. Let´s go!!!

1.- First things first: mini-test about the comparatives with the irregular cases. Good luck!!!

2.- Now let´s write down the present of the verb CAN in our notebooks.

3.- Next please go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "We need a superhero": activities 2 to 10 and Accept the challenge.

4.- Finally, let´s do the Liveworksheets number 16-17-18.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- MINI-TEST: Subject and object pronouns.

2.- Study the verb CAN.


Wednesday, 28 February 2024


Time to revise all the vocabulary and grammar of this unit to get ready for GRAMMAR TEST next Thusrday, the 29th of February.

Let´s revisit the adjectives, materials, expressions, along with the comparative and superlative form and the verb CAN. Easy-peasy! 

1.- CHIT-CHAT: Let´s describe some of our favourite superheroes.

2. Now check if you have completed all the Liveworksheets unitl 18. 

3.- Time for some online exercises:

     - Comparative and supelative HERE

       - Verb CAN HERE.

      - Materials HERE

      - Personality adjectives HERE


1. GRAMMAR TEST next Thursday, the 29th of February: 

           - VOCABULARY: adjectives - materials - expressions

           - GRAMMAR: comparatives - superlatives - verb CAN

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHEROES: Object pronouns

Let´s keep on practising how to compare 2 people or things. Now we know the rules to do it, but let´s see some special cases, irregular adjectives that don´t follow the rules, such as GOOD or BAD. Apart from that, we will learn the personal object pronouns, which are different from the subject pronouns we learned some weeks ago. Ready?

1.- First of all, let´s do the MINI -TEST about the comparative form. 

2.- When you finish, please write down the special cases of the comparative form in your notebook.

3.- Now watch this video to fix them:


4.- Now let´s go to E-Dixgal - unit 2 - "Comparing people": activity 15 and read Accept the challege.

5.- Let´s write down the personal objects pronouns in your notebook. Remember that they never act as the subject of a sentence. 

 6.- Now watch this video to see them:


6.- Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets number 13-14-15.


1.- Study the new expressions. We have got a MINI-TEST of the comparative form (including the special cases) in the next lesson. We will take another MINI-TESt on Monday about the OBJECT PRONOUNS.

 2.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 26 February 2024



Let's begin the week with a mini-test about the comparative and superlative forms. Don't panic! Itś a piece of cake.

Then we will review the verb CAN in all its forms and learn its different uses. Easy-peasy!

1.- Write down the verb CAN in your notebook. You can also see it in Calameo, on the right.

2.- Now watch this video about the verb CAN:


 3.- Next please complete the Liveworksheets 14-15-16.

4.- Finally, try these online exercises and games HERE.



1.- Study the verb CAN for a mini test next Thursday, the 29th of February.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Comparative form

Time to learn the comparative form. Remember that we use it to compare 2 people or animals or objects. Ready?

1.- Firstly, please write down how to use the comparative form in your notebook, as long as the rules to add "er". Remember that there is a form for short adjectives and a different one for long adjectives.

2.- Now watch this video to learn the new rules by heart.


3.- Time to go to EDIXGAL- unit 2 - "Comparing people": exercises 3 to 13.

4.- Next, please do the Liveworksheets number 10-11-12.

7.- Finally, you can play some games HERE


1.- Stydy the comparative form: MINI TEST on Thursday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Thursday, 22 February 2024


Today we will revise all the vocabulary and expressions we have learned about superheroes so far. Let´s see their personality traits, superpowers, clothes and accesories. Ready?

1.- First things first: let´s read the photocopy about the superheroes´ outfit that you have got in your notebook. Highlight the more important words and try to learn them by heart.

2.- Watch this video to remember some of the new words:

3.- Now you are ready to complete the Liveworksheets 5 to 9.

4.- Finally, design your own superhero with this online game HERE. and guess de superhero HERE.

WE  CAN  CALL   IT   A   DAY!!!


1.- Study the new vocabulary.
2.- Finish the pending activities.

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Superlative form

Today we will revise the comparative and superlative forms to get ready for the mini-test next Monday. Hands on!!!

1.- Firstly, please go to e-Dixgal, unit 2 - lesson 3 ("The best"): do the activities 1 to 9.

2.- Now please complete the Liveworksheets number 12-13.

3.- Finally, complete this quiz:




1.- Study the comparatives and superlatives for a mini-test next Monday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 21 February 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Superlative

Today we will revise the comparative and we will learn the superlative form. Get ready for a mini test next Monday. Don´t panic!

 Remember that we use the comparative to compare 2 things, but the superlative is used when we have 3 or more things.  Ready?

1.- Write down the superlative form in your notebook, as well as the rules to add "est". You can also read it in Calameo (on the right).

2.- Now watch this video to reinforce what you are learning:


 3.- Now complete this quiz:


4.- Go to e-Dixgal - Unit 2 - Lesson 2 ("Can you compare it?") complete the activities 1-2-3-4-5-6. 

5.- Next, let´s do Liveworksheets numbers 9-10-11.

6.- Finally, some online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3 - GAME 4 - GAME 5.



1.- Get ready for a mini test about the comparatives and superlatives next Monday, the 26th of February.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Real superheroes

Today we will speak about superheroes: their names, their superpowers and their weapons. But you already know that they only exist in comics and films. In real life there are many people with superpowers, who help us, take care of us, encourage us, teach us, hail us, stay with us... They are doctors, nurses, police officers, cleaners, firefighters, farmers, shop assistants, supermarket workers, teachers... and, above all, our RELATIVES, who are always there when we need them.
And you are also a superhero: you come to school every day, do your homework, study hard, go to after-school activities, help at home... We are the "NEW SUPERHEROES".

1.- Pease read the photocopies related to superheroes in your notebook.

2.- Now go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "Describing someone´s personality": exercises 1 to 8 and 10 to 15 and ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE.

3.- Finally, complete the Liveworksheets 3 and 4.

4.- Time to meet the real superheroes:




1.- Study the new vocabulary.
2.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 19 February 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Let´s compare

Today we will continue with the unit 2 and we will practise how to compare 2 people, animals, objects or things. But remember that we don´t have to compare ourselves to other people. We are all awesome!!!

1.- Go to e-Dixgal, unit 2, lesson 1 ("Can you describe it?") and do the exercises 1-2-3 and "Quess what".

2.- Now please complete the Liveworkshets 6-7-8 (unit 2).


1.- Revise the comparative form for a mini-test on the next lesson.
2.- Finish the pending activities.


UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO: Personality adjectives

I'm A English Teacher What's Your Superpower: Blank Line Teacher ...
Today we are starting a new unit: UNIT 2 "THE NEW SUPERHERO". As its title indicates, we will learn about superheroes and their superpowers. How much do you know about superheroes? Can you name their gadgets? What is your favourite one?
As you know, superheroes appear in films, books and comics, but don´t forget that we can find other superheroes in real life. And, somehow, we are all superheroes, aren´t we? We are brave, strong, patient, positive... We are the best!!!

I am an English teacher, what´s your superpower?

1.- Please design the first page for this unit in your notebook: UNIT 2 - THE NEW SUPERHERO.

2.- Now write down the CONTENTS of this unit: copy them from Calameo unit 2 (on the left)

3.- Next, stick in your notebook all the photocopies with the vocabulary of this unit. Then please read the personality adjectives.

4.- Now we are ready to go to EDIXGAL - unit 2 - "A difficult school task": exercises 2 to 10 and read ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE.

5.- Let´s reinforce the personality adjectives doing the Liveworksheets number 1 and 2.

6.- Finally, if you want to find out your superpower, do this test: 

Task complete!!! You are a real superhero!!!


1.- Study the new vocabulary.
2.- Finish the pending activities.

Thursday, 15 February 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Comparatives

Time to start a new unit, the unit 2, titled "Simply the best". Let´s begin revising some vocabulary and the comparative form. Ready?

1.- Design the first page of  this new unit. Write  "UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST" and decorate it with some stars or hearts.

2.- Now please write down the contents of this unit (Calameo).

3.- Stick the photocopies with the new vocabulary in your notebook with glue. You can also see it in Calameo unit 2 (on the right).

4.- Write down how to use the comparative form and the rules to add"er".

5.- Now watch this video to learn the new rules by heart.


6.- Time to do the Liveworksheets number 1 -2 -3 - 4 - 5.

7.- Finally, you can play some games HERE

Before we leave, we will learn about Saint Valentine´s Day, the most romatic day of the year, which was yeaterday the 14th of February. Ready?

1.- First watch this video to learn the history behind this celebration:

2.- Now write I LOVE YOU to someone you admire. Remember to decorate your Valentine a bit and leave it anonymously... Keep your secret!

3.- Talking about secrets.... Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell? Take a look:


4.- Finally you can see if you are loved with these 3 games: HEREHERE  and HERE.



1.- Revise the comparative form.
2.- Finish the pending activities.
3.- Say I LOVE YOU to your dearest ones.


READERS CLUB: A day in the city

Time to retake our READERS CLUB! In this term, the title we are reading is  "London - A day in the city" and we are learning more about this fascinating city. Ready?

1.- First of all, please watch this video about London:


2.- Now letś read the second part of the book: "A day in the city" in EDIXGAL and we will live a real adventure with the Prime Minister. 

3.- Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets number 9 and 10 (READERS CLUB). 

Before we leave, we will learn about Saint Valentine´s Day, the most romatic day of the year, which was yesterday the 14th of February. Ready?

1.-  First watch this video to learn the history behind this celebration:

2.- Now write I LOVE YOU in a heart to someone you admire. Remember to decorate your Valentine a bit and leave it anonymously... Keep your secret!

3.- Talking about secrets.... Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell? Take a look:


4.- Finally you can see if you are loved with these 3 games: HEREHERE  and HERE.



1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Say I LOVE YOU to your dearest ones.

Thursday, 8 February 2024



Today we will read and comment the second part of the book, titled "Lost". A group of kids go to a summer camp and participate in an exciting activity: orienteering. They are given instructions to go from one point to another following just a map. However, one kid decides to cheat: he throws away the map to use a GPS instead, which is not allowed! The problem comes when... No, I am not going to reveal any more! You have to read it. What are you waiting for? Ready for another great adventure?

1.- First of all, read and listen to "Lost" in EDIXGAL. Pay close attention and try to understand everything.

2.- Now, please complete the remain activities in Liveworksheet number 7.

3.- Finally, take a look at this video to learn about an orienteering activity: Geocaching. You can practise it in Coruña or in any other city all over the world!


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Go geocaching this weekend with your family!


 Time to retake our READERS CLUB! In this term, the title we will read is "London" and we will know more about this fascinating city. Ready?

1.- First, letś read the first part of the book "London" in EDIXGAL.  

2.- Now, please complete the Liveworksheets number 7-8-9 (READERS CLUB). 



1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Enjoy the holidays: dress up, participate in parades, eat "orellas" and pancakes and have fun!

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

READERS CLUB: Great inventions

Time for our READERS CLUB
This term we are going to learn about "Great inventions", gadgets and tools that make our lives much easier and comfortable. What are the most important ones? The telephone? ... The wheel perhaps?...  Or maybe the washing machine?...  No, internet is the winner for sure! 
Oh, I am confussed... Can you please help me?

Ready for another great adventure?

1.- First of all, let´s watch this video about inventions:


2.- Now let´s read the first part of our book: "Great inventions". You can find it in EDIXGAL , along with the audios. Enjoy yourselves! 

3.- Time to do some activities in Liveworksheets (Readers Club): 7 (activities 1-2-3-4).


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Read the second part of the book: "Lost".

Tuesday, 6 February 2024

UNIT 1 - I DON LIKE THIS CITY: Speaking test

Time for a SPEAKING TEST. In this ocassion, you have to present your hometown, A Coruña, in pairs. Take turns to highlight the most representative landmarks of our beautiful town.

Remember to keep calm, speak slowly and try to sound like a native speaker. You can do it!!!

Monday, 5 February 2024

UNIT 1 - I DON'T LIKE THIS CITY: My hometown

Time to present our hometown, A Coruña. Remember to speak loud and clear; it is not a question of speed. Take your time, keep calm and try to sound like a native speaker. You can do it!!!

Once you finish, please:

1.- Prepare a presentation about A Coruña in Impress,  highlighting its location, climate, historic buildings, shops and your neighbourhood. Remember that you have to create a minimum of 7 slides, but you can add as much as you wish. 

     - SLIDE 1: A CORUÑA - name and class - photo

     - SLIDE 2: LOCATION - A Coruña is in the north-west of Spain - photo

     - SLIDE 3: CLIMATE - It has got an oceanic climate - photo

     - SLIDE 4: HISTORIC BUILDINGS - There is a Roman lighthouse, a castle and a square - photo

     - SLIDE 5: OTHER PLACES - There are shoppings centres, beaches, parks... - photo

     - SLIDE 6: MY NEIGHBOURHOOD - I live in Los Rosales, near a big park - photo

     - SLIDE 7: I love my city - photo

2.- Next, please go to EDIXGAL and upload your presentation as a task.


1.- Finish the presentation.

UNIT 1 - GRAMMAR TEST: Present simple vs continuous

Today we will do 2 activities in the format of a test about the present simple and the present continuous. Easy-peasy!

1.- TEST: complete the Liveworksheets number 7-8 (TESTS)

2.- Next, please design the first page of unit 2.

3.- Now write down the contents.

4.- Finally, stick the photocopies with the vocabulary.


Friday, 2 February 2024


Last Tuesday, the 30th of January, we celebrated the International School Day of Peace and Non-Violence. But do you know what peace is?  What does peace mean to you? Take a look at this video for some ideas...
Some of the words mentioned on the video are diversity, tolerance, friendship, ... Based on that, we created our FLOWERS FOR PEACE including some powerful words related to it.  
We also had the chance to meet Marta, a corageous Ukrainian mother who came to Spain a year ago with her 4 kids, now students in our school. She was a Spanish and English teacher in Ukraine, and she shared her knowledge with us. She talked about the beauty of her country and her experience as a refugee in Coruña. She traced her route to come to Spain in a map, mentioning all the places they lived in before ending in our town. She really appreciates all the support and help she is receiving and she hopes they will be able to come back to their country soon.
Thank you for your courage and generosity, Marta! All the best!!!

PEACE DAY - 30th January 2024 

Thursday, 1 February 2024

UNIT 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL: Present simple vs continuous

Today we will finish the revision of the present tense: the present simple and the present continuous. Hands on!

1.- First, write down in your notebook the question words we are practicing in this unit.

2.- Second, look at this poster and then complete the Liveworksheets number 41-42-43.

3.- Finally, go to e-Dixgal, unit 1, REVISION: Booster activities (number 14 to 21).



1. Finish the pending activities.

2. Get ready for an ONLINE TEST: the time and present simple-continuous


Now that we know a lot about cities, it is time to describe A Coruña, our hometown, as a final project for this unit 1. Remember to use as much vocabulary and expressions as you can. Ready?

1.- Firstly, stick the example of the project "A Coruña, my hometown" in your notebook. Read it carefully and look up the words you don´t understand.

2.- Next, in pairs, please create a presentation about A Coruña using Impress. You have to include a minimum of 7 slides  (follow the example in your notebook):

    - SLIDE 1: A CORUÑA - photo - name and class

     - SLIDE 2: LOCATION - photo - phrase

     - SLIDE 3: CLIMATE - photo - phrase

     - SLIDE 4: HISTORIC BUILDINGS - photos - phrase

     - SLIDE 5: OTHER PLACES - photo - phrase

     - SLIDE 6: MY NEIGHBOURHOOD - photo - phrase.

     - SLIDE 7: I love my city - photo

3.- Once you finish, please save it in your computer.



1.- Learn the composition about A Coruña by heart.

2.- Get ready for a SPEAKING TEST next week.

You can do it!!!