Friday, 29 April 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: The food and time

Today we will review all the new words and expressions we have learned so far. Get ready for a MINI-TEST next Monday about the time. Hands on!!!

1.- Firstly, go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "The new menu": activities 1-2-4-5-6-7.

2.- Next, go to LIVEWORKSHEETS and complete the activities number 13-14-15-16-17-18.

2.- Now you can practise the time with this online games HERE, HERE,  HERE and HERE.

3.- More online games, this time about food:

     - My plate - HERE

     - Food pyramid - HERE and HERE

You are more than ready for the test!!!


1.- Study for a MINI TEST on Monday, the 2nd of May 2022, about the time.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 27 April 2022


What Time GIF - WhatTime - Descubre & Comparte GIFs
Today we will learn how to tell the time in English, including the minutes. No panic!!!! It´s easy-peasy!

1.- First things first: take a look at the clock in your notebook. Observe that there are 2 halves: PAST - TO. 

In English, we have to say the minutes before the hours. For example: 

1:05 - It´s five (minutes) PAST one. 

1:55 - It´s five (minutes) TO two.   Easy-peasy!!!

2.- Now watch this video:

3.- Next please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Talking about your eating routines": activities 1 to 14.

4.- Finally, time for Liveworksheets: 10-11-12.


1.- Study the time for a mini-test next Monday about THE TIME.
2.- Finish the pending activities.


Monday, 25 April 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: The menu and the time

We now know a lot about foods, food groups and meals. It´s time to talk about the time and the different parts of a menu. How many courses do you eat for lunch? And for dinner? Do you usuallly have starters? And dessert? 

What time do you usually have breakfast on a weekday? And lunch? And dinner? And at weekends? Do you change your meal times during the holidays? Let me know your eating routines, please!

1.- First and foremost, write down in your notebook the parts of a menu.

2.- Now, watch this video to remember them all:


3.- Let´s take a look at the time next. Stick the photocopy of the clock in your notebook and watch this video:


4.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - UNIT 3 - "What food do you like?" and do the activities 1 to 11 and the CROSSWORD. 

5.- Finally, Complete the Liveworksheets number 6-7-8-9. 


 1.- Study the new vocabulary. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Friday, 22 April 2022


Food, food, food... Food is sooo important in our lives. It gives us the nutrients we need to grow healthy and develop our daily activities. Therefore it is extremely important to follow a healthy diet. Have you ever heard about the "5-a-day programme"? Or about "My plate"? Do you eat healthy food? What is your favourite food?

1.- First of all, let´s write some foods of each group of the pyramid in our notebooks. How many have you got?

2.- Next, let´s take a look at the daily meals. How many meals do we have a day? Watch this video and then write them in your notebook:

3.- Now please go to E-DIXGAL - unit 3 - "A new experience at school" and do the activities: 1 to 6, the CROSSWORD, activities 7 to 10 and ACCPET THE CHALLENGE. 

4.- Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets number 3 - 4 - 5. 



1.- Study the new vocabulary for a MINI-TEST next Monday, the 25th of April about:

     - The food pyramid

     - My plate

     - Meals

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: The food pyramid - My plate

We are on the last lap! We are starting the last term of this school year, so... the last effort!

Today we will begin unit 3, titled "At the school canteen", and we will learn many things related to food: food groups, daily meals, healthy diet, food quantifiers..., as well as the time and the present simple with the adverbs of frequency. Ready?

1.- First things first: design a cover for this unit in your notebook. Remember to write UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN and decorate it with pictures related to this new topic.

2.- Next, please write down the contents of this unit.

3.- Now please stick the photocopies with the new vocabulary in your notebook.

4.- Finally, read the names of the different groups in the food pyramid and watch this video to memorise them:


 Although nowadays it is better to talk about MY PLATE. Can you draw one in your notebook?Take a look:




1.- Study the food pyramid.

2.- Liveworksheets, unit 3, exercises 1-2.

Sunday, 10 April 2022



Saturday, 9 April 2022


In the end, the weather didn´t help: it was pouring the whole morning and we couldn´t have an outdoor class yesterday. But we could do 2 exciting activities in the indoor playground:

- Egg rolling: look at the videos to see your fantastic  decorated eggs and who the winners were!

- Grow a plant: we all planted a marigold and we took it home. Now we have to take care of it. This is our homework for the holidays! Take a look...

1.- But first, let´s learn the different parts of a plant:


 2.- And now watch this growing marigold time lapse:

3.- Finally, time for good memories:

EASTER 5C 2022 - Kizoa Movie Maker

EASTER 5B 2022 - Kizoa Movie Maker

EASTER 5A 2022 - Kizoa Movie Maker

Friday, 8 April 2022


 Today we will have an outdoor class with lost of fun. Take a look at the activities we will do:

- Egg rolling.

- Easter egg hunt.

- Daisy: Loves me , loves me not.

- Dandilion: a wish

- Shamrock: find a 4-leaf-clover

- Scavenger hunt.

Happy Easter to you all!!!

Wednesday, 6 April 2022


This is the last week of this second term and that means... EASTER!!! Yes!!! Easter is here one more year, a fantastic time to relax and have fun with its traditions. Can you name some of them?

1.- First read the photocopy with the Easter vocabulary that you have in you notebook. How much do you know about Easter?

2.- Watch this video to see some of the Easter traditions in the UK:   "This is Britain"


3.- Now complete the Liveworksheets number 64-65 (SEASONS). 

4.- Next enjoy this advertisement of Cadbury for televison:


5.- Time to play KAHOOT HERE. 

 HOMEWORK: Please 

 1.- Bring a boiled egg to the next lesson. It can be decorated!!!


Monday, 4 April 2022

SEASONS: Reading, speaking and listening comprehension tests


Today we will sit 3 exams in 1: 

     - Reading comprehension test

     - Listening comprehension test

     - Speaking test

The three of them are related to spring, so don´t panic! Just focus on the tests and do your best!

Sunday, 3 April 2022


The first edition of  "OUR ENGLISH MAG" comes to live after two months of intense work. A group of 18 journalists and reporters in year 5 at Emilia Pardo Bazán School have created an exclusive article each for this magazine. Therefore, you can find a wide variety of issues through your reading: food, animals, sports, books, superheroes, legends, pollution, amazing countries, weather, expeditions, cinema, videogames... The guidelines they had to follow were simple:        

- choose a topic you like       

 - do some research about it        

- write a short article in English       

 - add some photos

And the results couldn´t be better!!! You have in your hands an incredible magazine written totally in English full of amazing articles. But, and here is the great novelty, you can read it and listen to it. Yes! Every article comes with an audio recorded by the author! You only have to click on the image of the loudspeaker that appears on every page to hear it. Isn´t it incredible?

Very many thanks to all the collaborators who, voluntarily, have made this dream come true with their effort. This activity is part of the English classes, as a way to improve the learning of this language.


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 April 2022

A magazine in English made for and by students at EPB School
Emilia Pardo Bazán School (A Coruña - Spain) 
Our    Mag

Friday, 1 April 2022


We already know many words about the SPRING: colours, months, weather, clothes, fruits, animals, festivals ...
Can you now add some activities we can do during this season? 
There are lots of funny things to do. 
You have some examples on the left picture. Zoom in and take a look...

And later, try to write a composition about this season with all the information we have learned so far. Remember to organize it in 3 paragraphs:

- PARAGRAPH 1: months, weather, clothes.
- PARAGRAPH 2: nature and animals in spring.
- PARAGRAPH 3: 3 activities you can do this spring.

Remember to add something new which isn´t in the template. Easy-peasy!!!

1.- Let´s begin with this video: spring bucket list.


2.- Now please write a  SPRING BUCKET LIST in your notebook with 3 activities you would like to do this spring (or just underline 3 activities from your photocopy).

3.- Next, we can mix all the information about the spring together in a composition. You have one example in your notebook. Write your own one in a new page, dividing it in 3 paragraphs and adding something which is not included. Watch this video to get some ideas: "What happens in spring?"


4.- Finally complete the Liveworksheets 60-61 (SEASONS). 


 1.- Study the vocabulary and the spring activities. 

 2.- Finish the pending activities.

 3.- Get ready for a READING and  LISTENING  TEST about the spring this Monday, the 4th of April.

Thank you! Great job!!!

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