Friday, 30 December 2022


“Galicianise yourself” or “Galeguízate”, this is the title of our PDI for this school year 2022-2023. The topic is related to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This refers to the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and passed to future generations. Examples of tangible cultural heritage include traditional clothing, tools, buildings, artwork, monuments, and modes of transportation. On the other hand, intangible cultural heritage refers to things that are not physical items but exist intellectually, such as language, rituals, traditions, legends, music, dance, food…

In this first approach to the topic, we want first to introduce ourselves as Galicians. What does it mean to be a Galician? What are our roots? Under the title "THIS IS US", we want to transmit you our traits, our roots, our essence as Galicians. Are we peculiar?  Are we different from people of other communities or regions? Oh, we definitely are, but in a good way. We are "riquiños", "teimudos" and a bit "repunantes". What else? Keep on searching in this interactive image and you will find out soon. Are you ready for a "Galician experience"? There we go!!!

Full screen


Mute the genially's audio here


“Galicianise yourself” or “Galeguízate”, this is the title of our PDI for this school year 2022-2023. The topic is related to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This refers to the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and passed to future generations. Examples of tangible cultural heritage include traditional clothing, tools, buildings, artwork, monuments, and modes of transportation. On the other hand, intangible cultural heritage refers to things that are not physical items but exist intellectually, such as language, rituals, traditions, legends, music, dance, food…

In this first approach to the topic, we want first to introduce ourselves as Galicians. What does it mean to be a Galician? What are our roots? Under the title "THIS IS US", we want to transmit you our traits, our roots, our essence as Galicians. Are we peculiar?  Are we different from people of other communities or regions? Oh, we definitely are, but in a good way. We are "riquiños", "teimudos" and a bit "repunantes". What else? Keep on searching in this interactive image and you will find out soon. Are you ready for a "Galician experience"? There we go!!

Monday, 26 December 2022

PODCAST: "4 in a year"

As you know, this school year we are developing a project in the English classroom about the 4 seasons. Under the title "4 in a year" we consider different aspects of this time of the year: weather, clothes, nature, animals, fruits, traditions...  We even declare our favourite activities one by one! 

Well, after a month of hard work, with a beautiful display about it and an oral test, we are more than experts on this topic, so we ended up recording a podcast in our school radio. And the results couldn´t be better!!! Congrats to all the students in 5A for their amazing performance. You are starts!!!

In the following terms, we will continue releasing more episodes of this podcast, this time with a different season and the other 2 groups in year 5. 

Now listen carefully and enjoy the autumn:

For a better experience of the autumn, take a look at this interactive image, created by the year 5 and year 6 groups together. Just click in the different sections to discover all the creations:


Friday, 23 December 2022







Thursday, 22 December 2022



DEAR ADRIÁN - 22nd December 2022

DEAREST RAQUEL - 22nd December 2022 




DEAR ADRIÁN - 22nd December 2022

DEAREST RAQUEL - 22nd December 2022 


Wednesday, 21 December 2022


Christmas is here at last! Just one more day for the desired holidays. But there is one more thing to do: write the letter to Santa and a Christmas card. Have you been NAUGHTY or NICE? Remember that Santa Claus is watching you.... He even has some elves in charge of checking your behaviour everday. There is one who hides in your house without noticing: the elf on the shelf. So... behave yourselves these last days, please!

Meanwhile we can enjoy the Christmas season by participating in all these games:

1.- Write your letter to Santa in Liveworksheet number 17. Later, you can copy it on paper to post it.

2.- Now let´s play these online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.

3.- Time for a competition HERE.

3.- Then we can do the Liveworksheets number 18 and 19.

4.- Next let´s play a KAHOOT (click HERE).

5.- You can explore Santa' s workshop clicking HERE.

7.- Finally, enjoy this holiday watching "Merry Christmas Mr. Bean":


SEASONS: Christmas

Christmas is here at last! Just one more day for the desired holidays. But there is one more thing to do: write the letter to Santa and a Christmas card. Have you been NAUGHTY or NICE? Remember that Santa Claus is watching you.... He even has some elves in charge of checking your behaviour everday. There is one who hides in your house without noticing: the elf on the shelf. So... behave yourselves these last days, please!

Meanwhile we can enjoy the Christmas season by participating in all these games:

1.- Write your letter to Santa in Liveworksheet number 14. Later, you can copy it on paper to post it.

2.- Now let´s play these online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.

3.- Time for a competition HERE.

3.- Then we can do the Liveworksheets number 12 and 13.

4.- Next let´s play a KAHOOT (click HERE).

5.- You can explore Santa' s workshop clicking HERE.

7.- Finally, enjoy this holiday watching "Merry Christmas Mr. Bean":


Tuesday, 20 December 2022


We made it! Today we have celebrated Xmas Jumper Day at school with lots of traditions, songs, decorations, chocolates, presents, lights, jumpers, laughter and ... kisses under the mistletoe!

Thanks to you all for taking part in this festive day. We have all:


XMAS JUMPER DAY - YEAR 5 - 19th and 20th December 2022


What a lovely day! We have celebrated Xmas Jumper Day at school, a day full of traditions, games, presents, chocolate, songs, decorations and laughter... 
Thank you all for taking part in this festive day! Today we have 


XMAS JUMPER DAY - YEAR 6 - 19th December 2022

Monday, 19 December 2022

SEASONS - CHRISTMAS: Christmas Jumper Day

Today, 19th of December, many countries around the world are celebrating CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY, an annual charity event hold by the NGO "Save the children". 

Everybody wears a funny jumper to school or work for the day instead of normal clothes or uniforms, to raise fund through sponsorship. Are you wearing your Ugly Sweater? I don´t think these jumpers are ugly, on the contrary, they are soooo Christmassy!!! And I adore Christmas, don´t you? Let´s debate about this topic: Are you pro or against Christmas? What does Christmas mean to you? Can you think of a word?

1. Watch this video to know more about this celebration:

Now we are ready to enjoy the Christmas seasons by participating in all these games:

1.- In a Post it, please write down a word that best represents Christmas to you and stick it on our Christmas tree.

2.- Time to open the windows of our chocolate advent calendar. Yummy!

3.- What about a musical advent calendar? Click HERE  an open a window every day.

4.- Sing along and complete the lyrics of this Xmas song: "Happy Xmas" (Liveworksheets 16).


5.- The game of the month: SECRET SANTA. Aren´t you excited?


SEASONS - CHRISTMAS: Christmas Jumper Day

Today, 19th of December, many countries around the world are celebrating CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY, an annual charity event hold by the NGO "Save the children". 

Everybody wears a funny jumper to school or work for the day instead of normal clothes or uniforms, to raise fund through sponsorship. Are you wearing your Ugly Sweater? I don´t think these jumpers are ugly, on the contrary, they are soooo Christmassy!!! And I adore Christmas, don´t you? Let´s debate about this topic: Are you pro or against Christmas? What does Christmas mean to you? Can you think of a word?

1. Watch this video to know more about this celebration:

Now we are ready to enjoy the Christmas seasons by participating in all these games:

1.- In a Post it, please write down a word that best represents Christmas to you and stick it on our Christmas tree.

2.- Time to open the windows of our chocolate advent calendar. Yummy!

3.- What about a musical advent calendar? Click HERE  an open a window every day.

4.- Sing along and complete the lyrics of this Xmas song: "Happy Xmas" (Liveworksheets 11).


5.- The game of the month: SECRET SANTA. Aren´t you excited?


Sunday, 18 December 2022

PDI: Cristina Pato

As you know, we had a special visitor this week: Cristina Pato. She came last Wednesday to talk to us about music, about the Galician cultural heritage, about migrations and about the sense of a community.  But not only that, we also shared a magical moment with her, a moment full of passion, love, kindness, generosity, tenderness and smiles. She made us feel part of her loving world, a world with one thing in common: the language of music, our essence as Galicians.

Besides, she allowed us to interview her! It is worth to hear what she thinks about all these themes. After meeting her, we are totally convinced that she is a being with light and that she has left her heritage in our school forever. Thank you so much, Cristina!!!

And now, please listen to the interview and take a look at these pics to see what we mean:


                                           CRISTINA PATO - 14th December 2022

PDI: Cristina Pato

As you know, we had a special visitor this week: Cristina Pato. She came last Wednesday to talk to us about music, about the Galician cultural heritage, about migrations and about the sense of a community.  But not only that, we also shared a magical moment with her, a moment full of passion, love, kindness, generosity, tenderness and smiles. She made us feel part of her loving world, a world with one thing in common: the language of music, our essence as Galicians.

Besides, she allowed us to interview her! It is worth to hear what she thinks about all these themes. After meeting her, we are totally convinced that she is a being with light and that she has left her heritage in our school forever. Thank you so much, Cristina!!!

And now, please listen to the interview and take a look at these pics to see what we mean:


                                           CRISTINA PATO - 14th December 2022

Friday, 16 December 2022

UNIT 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL: Adverbs of frequency

Now that we know how to use the present simple in all forms, we will add some adverbs of frequency.

1.- Write down the adverbs of frequency in your notebook.

2.- Go to e-Dixgal, lesson 4 "What do you do everyday?" and do the activities 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 and read "Accept the challenge".

3.- Now complete the Liveworksheets 17-18.


1.- Strudy the present simple in all forms and the adverbs of frequency.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Thursday, 15 December 2022

UNIT 1 - I DON´T LIKE THIS CITY: Places and buildings

Today we will start a new unit titled "I don´t like this city". We will learn the names of different places and buildings of a city and we will also learn how to give directions to get to a specific place. ready?

1.- Please design the first page of this unit in your notebook. Remember to write the title too.

2.- Now write down the contents of the unit.

3.- Next, stick all the photocopies with the vocabulary we will learn. 

4.- Let´s learn the places and buildings of a city today. This video may help you remember the new words:


5.- Then complete the Liveworksheets 1-2-3-4.

6.- Finally, some games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.



1.- Study the new vocabulary.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

UNIT 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL: Adverbs of frequency

Today we will review the present simple and its uses. We will also revise the adverbs of frequency to specify how often you do an activity. Ready?

1. Please write down the adverbs of frequency in your notebook.

2.- Now please go to e-Dixgal - lesson 3: Do you like...? and do the activities 7-8-9 and Accept the challenge.

3.- Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets 14-15-16.


1.- Study the adverbs of frequency.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 12 December 2022

PDI: "Galicianise yourself" - "This is us"

Today we will have a MINI TEST about the present simple. Easy-peasy!

1. Now please go to Liveworksheets 11-12-13.

2. Let´s complete the MIND MAP about Galicia, Galicians and Coruña, as part of the PDI "Galicianise yourself - This is us"      - 6A: HERE   - 6B: HERE    - 6C: HERE

3. Now let´s read the information about Cristina Pato, a powerful Galician woman: she is a musician, writer and educator, who migrated to New York some years ago and works as a professor at a university. She will visit us next Wednesday! Take a look at this video as a summary of her recents collaborations and awards:

4. You cannot miss her TED Talk in Madrid 9 years ago: "Migrations and other songs" 


5. For more info, please visit her website HERE.

6.- Cristina Pato is coming to visit us in ordert to offer her vision about our tangible and intangible heritage, which is the topic of our PDI this school year: "Galicianise yourself". But first, let´s define about what migrants pack when they decide to leave their homeland. To do so, please follow this presentation:

HOMEWORK: Liveworksheets 14-15-16.

PDI: "Galicianise yourself"

Today we will finish our SPEAKING TEST about the autumn. Think about 3 activities you like to do in this magical season, full of singing trees and dancing leaves.

1. Meanwhile it is not your turn, please read the second part of the reading "Adventure in te Big Apple". Remember that you have the book and the audio in EDIXGAL.

2. Later, please complete the Liveworksheets number 4 - 5 - 6 (READERS CLUB).

3. Now let´s read the information about Cristina Pato, a powerful Galician woman: she is a musician, writer and educator, who migrated to New York some years ago and works as a professor at a university. She will visit us next Wednesday! Take a look at this video as a summary of her recents collaborations and awards:

4. You cannot miss her TED Talk in Madrid 9 years ago: "Migrations and other songs" 


5. For more info, please visit her website HERE.

6.- Cristina Pato is coming to visit us in ordert to offer her vision about our tangible and intangible heritage, which is the topic of our PDI this school year: "Galicianise yourself". But first, let´s define about what migrants pack when they decide to leave their homeland. To do so, please follow this presentation:

Sunday, 11 December 2022


The episode 4 of "The Book Nook" is here at last!  

After an entire term of recordings, research, interviews, opinions, meetings and hard work, we have released the first show of this school year 2022-2023. And the results are amazing! Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. 

In the Genially below you can listen to the entire programme or you can go directly to each one of our sections: 

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": a section where you can give your opinion about a specific question: paper books or e-books?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the author": in this ocassion we will meet the great Charles Dickens and his love for Christmas.

5. "Galicianise yourself - This is us": a section related to the PDI "Galeguízate"and to our tangible and intangible heritage: this time we will define the essence of Galicia, of its inhabitants, Galicians, and of our town, Coruña.

6. "Our natives count": we will interview Susana Barreiro, an English teacher and usual collaborator of our school.

Friday, 9 December 2022

READING BOOK: "Adventure in the Big Apple"

Today we will read the 2nd part of our first book: "Adventure in the Big Apple". Do you fancy a one-day trip to the Big Apple? What places would you visit? What food would you like to eat? Take a look at what the 2 protagonists of this story do. Such an adventure...

1.- Please go to EDIXGAL to read the 2nd part of the book.

2.- Now, in teams, please complete the Liveworksheets 4-5-6.

3.- Finally, let´s check how well you know the Big Apple after this reading in Liveworksheet number 7.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

UNIT 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL: Present simple

 In lesson 3 we will start practising the present simple. Before that, let´s revise the daily routines. Easy-peasy!

1.- Write down the affirmative of the present simple in your notebooks.

2.- Now please write down the rules for the 3rd person singular.

3.- Go to e-Dixgal, lesson 3 "Do you like...?". Please do the activities 1-2-3-4-5-6 and "Accept the challenge".

4.- Online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2.


1.- Study the affirmative form of the Present simple.

2.- Revise the daily routines, the household chorus and the free time activities.

3.- Complete the Liveworksheets 8-9-10.


Wednesday, 7 December 2022


Do you fancy a visit to the Big Apple? Does this name sound familiar? I am talking about New York City, one of the most fascinating cities in the world!!! There are lots of things to see and enjoy, but... How much do you know about NY?  What are its most famous monuments? You have the answers to all these questions in the first reading book of this school year: New York. Today we will read the first half and the next day we will continue with the story, ok? 
1.- First of all, let´s watch a video about this multicultural city:


2.- Now we are ready to start reading. Please go to EDIXGAL, where you will find the reading and the audio. Please read the first part of the book.

3.- COMPETITION: Now, in groups, please complete the activities in Liveworksheets: 1-2-3 (READERS CLUB). There is a prize for the winners!

4.- Some games? GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.



1.- Finish the pending activities.    

UNIT 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL: Imperatives

 Let´s move on to lesson 2 and learn the imperatives, used to give orders, instructions, advice, ...

1.- Write down the imperative form in your notebook, please.

2.- Go to e-Dixgal, lesson 2 "Giving orders". Please complete the activities 1-2-3-4 and "Accept the challenge".

3.- Online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.


1.- Study the imperative.

2.- Complete the Liveworksheets 5-6-7.


Monday, 5 December 2022

UNIT 1 - BACK TO SCHOOL: Vocabulary

We are starting a new unit today: unit 1, titled "Back to school"

First, we will complete a MIND MAP about Galicia and Galicians clicking in the following links:

     - 6A  HERE

     - 6B  HERE

     - 6C  HERE

1.- Design the first page of this unit 1 in your notebook, with the title and a drawing.

2.- Stick all the photocopies to study in your notebook: greetings - daily routines - free time activities.

3.- Now go to e-Dixgal, lesson 1 "Nice to meet you". Please do the activities 1-2-3-4-5 and the final part "Accept the challenge".

4.- Finally, some online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.


1.- Study the vocabulary of the city.

2.- Do the Liveworksheet 1-2-3-4.



 Let´s revise a bit more the autumn words and expressions. Ready?

1.- First, watch this video:


 2.-. Time for a beautiful love song about the autumn: "Autumn leaves"


3.- Next, create an image of the autumn HERE. and upload it in EDIXGAL (task).

4.- Then please complete the Liveworksheets 11 to 15. 

5.- Finally, some ganes: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Study the vocabulary about the autumn.


Friday, 2 December 2022

READERS CLUB: Edinburgh - Festival fears

As you know, the other day we started a READERS CLUB. We are going to read 3 different titles throughout the school year. The first one is "Edinburgh" and today we will read the 2nd part: "Festival fear". Ready?

1.- Read the second part of the book:

2.- Now please complete the Liveworksheets 3-4-5 (READERS CLUB).

3.- Once you finish, please design the first page of unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL. Remember to add some pictures related to the popic.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, 1 December 2022


We already know many words about the autumn: colours, months, weather, clothes, fruits, animals, festivals ...
Can you now add some activities we can do during this season? 
There are lots of funny things to do. 
You have some examples on the left picture. Zoom in and take a look...

1.- Let´s begin watching this video to do a fall bucket list.


 2.- Now please write a  FALL BUCKET LIST in your notebook with 3 activities you would like to do this autumn.
Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets 11 to 15 (4 in a year).


1.- Study the vocabulary and the autumn activities. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- Enjoy this looooooong weekend!!!

Thank you! Great job!!!

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

SEASONS - AUTUMN: Ecofriendly autumn

1.-Time to hear you: in teams, present your interactive image to your classmates. Try to sound like a native speaker and do your best!

2.- Now let´s start the first reading of this school year. Let´s travel to the capital of Scotland and discover its amazing landmarks.

READING: Edinburgh 

Read the first part of this book and then do the Liveworksheets 1-2 (READERS CLUB).


1.- SPEAKING TEST this Friday, 14th November: study the monologue about the autumn with 5 activities you would like to do this fall.

UNIT 0 - HELLO AGAIN: Grammar test


Today we will take a test about what we have learned so far: subject pronouns, verb TO BE and verb TO HAVE GOT. Don´t panic!!!  Focus on the tasks and take your time. It´s easy-peasy!!!

1.- Once you finish,  design a cover for the autumn: write AUTUMN - FALL in big letters and decorate the page with leaves,, nuts, trees... anything related to this season.

2.- Next, stick the photocopies with the vocabulary and expressions of the autumn in your notebook with glue.

3.- Now watch this video to remember the words:



1.- Study the new words.

Monday, 28 November 2022

SEASONS - AUTUMN: Go green in autumn

I know we are in autumn and I also know that you have noticed it. We talked about all the autumn facts the other day: colours, weather, clothes, fruits, animals, nature, celebrations... So it is time to start a new project: "GO GREEN". What can we do to go green in autumn? How can we be ecofriendly? What are the DOs and DON¨Ts of hiking in the nature during this season? Let´s go!

1.- Please design a first page for this project in a new page of your notebook. You have to write GO GREEN IN AUTUMN in big coloured letters and add some related pictures.

2.- Now please write down some tips to go green in this season. You have some in this interactive image HERE.

3.- Finally, complete the interactive image about the autumn in teams. HERE

4.- Check if you have done the Liveworksheets 6-7-8-9(4 in a year).

5.- Now please complete the Liveworksheet number 10.

6.- Prepare your interactive image to present it to the rest of the class in the next lesson.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Study your part of the presentation about the autumn.


 A bit more of the verb TO HAVE GOT and we will finish today. 

Are you tired of it? I don´t think so, it´s easy-peasy!!!

Just a last effort...

1.- First watch this video to see the verb TO HAVE GOT in affirmative, negative and interrogative.


2.- Now please write down the interrogative form of the verb TO HAVE GOT in your notebook, along with the short answers.

3.- Competition time HERE.

4.- Time for Liveworksheets: please complete the numbers 52-53-54-55.

5.- Next, let´s practice with these game: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.

5.- Finally, you can practise a bit more by doing these online exercises HERE. 



1.- Study the verb TO HAVE GOT for a GRAMMAR TEST next Wednesday, the 30th of November.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- Be good!

Saturday, 26 November 2022


We have finished this amazing week celebrating Thanksgiving Day with Raquel Sánchez, another teacher student in our school. She talked about her experience as a student in the USA 5 years ago. Then we hold our hands and gave thanks for all the good things we have before eating PB&J sandwiches. Delicious! Take a look...

THANKSGIVING 5 - Raquel - 24th November 2022 

Thank you sooo much, Raquel! 
You are the best!


This week has been full of amazing events! First we attended a talk by Adrian Cruzado, our teacher student. He explained how we can improve our English through music. We also learned about the most famous British pop band of all times, The Beatles and about the musical instruments of a rock band. Besides, we even imagined ourselves being rockstars and we enjoyed Adrián playing his bass in the classroom. Take a look:


And we finish this amazing week celebrating Thanksgiving Day with Raquel Sánchez, another teacher student in our school. She talked about her experience as a student in the USA 5 years ago. Then we hold our hands and gave thanks for all the good things we have before eating PB&J sandwiches. Delicious!

THANKGIVING - Raquel - 25th November 2022 

Thank you so much to both of you!!! You are the best!!!

Friday, 25 November 2022

FESTIVALS: Thanksgiving Day

Today we will receive a special visitor in the classroom:
Raquel Sánchez, a former student of this school and a teacher student at the moment. She has lived in the USA for an entire school year and that´s why she is here: . she will explain about how life is for an American teenager: which clothes he uses, how schools are, what the typical food is ... Besides, he will talk about a popular celebration: Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Families gather together for a big meal, which usually consists of roast turkey with potatoes, corn, carrots and other vegetables. Pumpkin pie is essential for dessert. It is also a time to be thankful for the good things we have, so people say: I´M THANKFUL FOR... What are you thankful for?

Now it´s your turn: 

1.- First of all, watch the videos below. 

2.- Now go to Liveworksheets - SEASONS. activities 8-9.

3.- Finally, practice the new vocabulary with these game.

- GAME 1

Thursday, 24 November 2022

FESTIVALS: Thanksgiving Day

Today we will receive a special visitor in the classroom:
Raquel Sánchez, a former student of this school and a teacher student at the moment. She has lived in the USA for an entire school year and that´s why she is here: . she will explain about how life is for an American teenager: which clothes he uses, how schools are, what the typical food is ... Besides, he will talk about a popular celebration: Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. Families gather together for a big meal, which usually consists of roast turkey with potatoes, corn, carrots and other vegetables. Pumpkin pie is essential for dessert. It is also a time to be thankful for the good things we have, so people say: I´M THANKFUL FOR... What are you thankful for?

Now it´s your turn: 

1.- First of all, watch the videos below. 

2.- Now go to Liveworksheets - SEASONS. activities 8-9-10.

3.- Finally, practice the new vocabulary with these game.

- GAME 1


1.- MINI-TEST - verb TO HAVE GOT (affirmative and negative): Monday, 28th November.

2.- GRAMMAR TEST: Thusrday, 1st December.

Wednesday, 23 November 2022

CULTURE: English through music

Music is a really useful tool to learn English. Songs are a great source of real life and you can use music to practise different language skills. And, most of all, songs are a fun way to learn English! How? Have you ever had a song stuck in your head all day? Me too! Listening or repeating the lyrics of your favourite songs (even humming them) will improve one or all of the following aspects: 

  • Vocabulary: Repeating song lyrics is a  way of  fixing new words and phrases quickly. Think of it as regular word repetition in English classes but with background music.

  • Grammar. Listening to English songs can help you master and use certain grammar patterns correctly in everyday conversation.

  • Pronunciation and accent. Singing along with your favorite English songs also helps to reduce your accent and learn more about how to link words together when you speak, which greatly improves your pronunciation.

1.- Listen to Adrian once again and you will learn the names of some musical instruments. You can also watch this video:

2.- Now, if you want to become a rock star, follow these tips HERE.

3.- Finally, please complete this Padlet HERE.

You are awesome!!!

UNIT 0 - HELLO AGAIN: To have got

Let´s revise a bit more of the verb TO HAVE GOT, which is used to indicate possesion. 


1.- First please write down the present simple of the verb TO HAVE GOT in negative in your notebook. 

2.- Competition in teams HERE.

3.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - Tell me about you: activities 11 to 15.

4.- More EDIXGAL - Revision - Booster activitie: 11 to 17.

5.- Next, Liveworksheet 51.

6.- Do you fancy playing some games? GAME 1 - GAME 2.

7.- Finally you can do some online activities HERE.


1.- Study the verb TO HAVE GOT for a mini-test next Monday, 28th November (5A) - Tuesday 29th November (5B-5C): affirmative and negative forms.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 21 November 2022


The verb TO HAVE GOT is the last topic we are going to revise in this unit 0. Do you remember how to use it? 

1.- First of all, write down the verb TO HAVE GOT in affirmative your notebook.

2.- Now go to Liveworksheets - tests and let´s sit a reading and listening comprehension test. Easy-peasy!

3.- Now please go to e-Dixgal - Unit 0 - "Tell me about you" and complete the activities 8-9-10.

4.- Next complete the Liveworksheets number 49-50.

5.- Do you fancy a game? GAME

6.- Finally, do these online exercises HERE.


1.- Study the verb TO HAVE GOT for a mini-test this Wednesday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- Be good!

CULTURE: The Beatles

Today we will have a special lesson: Adrián, our teacher student, will talk about a very popular British band: The Beatles. Are you ready?

The Beatles were one of the most successful and influential pop-music groups of the 1960s. They started in LiverpoolEngland in 1960. The members were John LennonPaul McCartneyGeorge Harrison, and Ringo Starr. Before The Beatles became popular, they played in clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over three years between 1960 and 1963. Their first single was "Love Me Do", in late 1962. It was a hit and they became popular in the United Kingdom. As they became more popular, the press called the popularity "Beatlemania".  They finally broke up in 1970 because of the pressures of fame. Most people say they are the most successful and influential band in the history of popular music.

1.- First, let´s know a bit more of The Beatles in a nutshell:

2.- Now please complete the Liveworksheets number 58-59.

3.- Some games? GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.

4.- Finally, listen to this song: "I feel fine"

Friday, 18 November 2022


 It is autumn, have you noticed it? I bet you have. What colours can we see? What happens to the leaves? What are the animals so busy? What do we celebrate in autumn? What fruits can we eat? You have all the answers in this unit.

1.- Read the vocabulary  and expressions of this unit in Calameo (4 in a year) on the right of this blog.

2.- Watch this video to remember the words:


3.- Finally, complete an interactive image about the autumn in teams. HERE

4.- Complete the Liveworksheets 5-6-7 (4 in a year).


1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Study the new vocabulary.

3.- Enjoy the weekend!

Show interactive elements