Monday 3 May 2021


 Do you like going shopping? What kind of things do you like to buy?  Do you prefer to buy online? In this unit 3 we will talk about all these topics. Ready?

1.- Decorate a cover for unit 3 "Going shopping" in your notebook, write down the contents and also stick all the vocabulary related to this unit (you can also see it in Calameo, on the right).

2.- Now go to e-Dixgal, unit 3 ("Going shopping"), lesson 1 ("Buying things") and do the activities 1-3-4-5 and Accept the challenge.

3.- Next, please watch this video to reinforce the vocabulary of clothes and accesories:


4.- Finally take a look at the expressions we use when we go shopping for clothes:


5.- Now you can complete the Liveworksheets 1 and 2 in unit 3.



1.- Study the new vocabulary: clothes and accesories - shopping expressions.
2.- Finish the pending activities.