Thursday, 6 March 2025

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of regular verbs

Now that we are learning to speak about other times, let's see how to form the past simple of regular verbs. It is really easy because they all follow the same rule: add "ED". Let´s go!

1.- Write down the past simple of regular verbs in your notebooks (you can also see it in Calameo, on the right).

 2.- Watch this video to reinforce the new structure:

3.- Now go to e-Dixgal, unit 2, lesson 4 ("What did you do?"): complete the exercises 1-2-3- and read Accept the challenge. 

4.- Finally, try these online exercises HERE.

5.- Complete the Liveworksheets number 32-33-34.


1.- Study the past simple of regular verbs for a mini-test next Monday, the 10th of March.

2.- Finish the pending activities.