Monday, 6 May 2024

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Likes and dislikes

Today we will finish the unit 3 by learning different ways to express likes and dislikes. There are a variety of expressions apart from I love / I like / I don´t like. Which ones do you know? Let´s see a bit more. Ready, steady... GO!!!

1.- First things first: write down the new expressions in your notebook.

2.- Now watch this video to practise:


3.- Time for some revision: please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Revision unit": activities 2 to 13.

4.- Finally, check if you have done all your Liveworksheets for this unit.


1.- Sudy the new expressions and get ready for a GRAMMAR TEST this Friday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.