Today has been a special day at school: we have celebrated St. Patrick´s Day with Declan Mathews, an Irish teacher, member of honour of our school community. So we all have been Irish for a day, and wore green, a lucky colour. We have learned many facts about Ireland thanks to Declan: he took us for a walk in the forest and we could notice that the Irish forestry is very similar to ours. At the end, we had to answer 10 questions of a quiz and, as we did it so well, we got the leprechaun´s pot of gold!!! Hurray!!!
Thank you so much, Declan, for your patience, kindness and wisdom! This is the slideshow of this memorable day:
1.- First of all, watch this video to learn the vocabulary of this important celebration:
2.- Now let´s see some traditions related to this day:
3.- Let´s sing along a traditional Irish song: "Molly Malone":