
Saturday, 8 June 2024


Breaking news!! "The Book Nook" is here again! We have just released the third and last show of this school year 2023-2024, and the ninth in its history. And the results are amazing! 

As usual, it is full of new exciting articles, all of them related to books, literature and travelling. We have visited many English speaking countries through the year and we have collected lots of good memories, now compiled in a 30-minute programme!

Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort and commitment. It is not easy to record a programme fully in English, but you all have worked really hard to make it real. 

In the Genially below you can listen to the entire programme or select the section you wish:

1. Intro: presentation of the programme and summary

2. "Speak out": our survey section: What items are indispensable for you in a trip?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the place": in this ocassion we will travel to the exotic India

5. PDI: a section related to the PDI "Enchanted landscapes"; this time we will discover Sherwood Forest and the legend of Robin Hood.

6. "Our natives count": we will receive a message from the High Commisioners of the Commonwelth in India: Dinkar and Babita.

But we need to mention that this is not just another ordinary episode. It is much more than that because we have to say goodbye to the radio team. Yes! They are leaving the school at the end of June to start a new adventure in Secondary. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm, energy and hard work! We will miss you tons!!! The best of luck!!!