
Tuesday, 30 April 2024

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Adverbs of frequency

Now that we are all experts in the present simple, we can include the frequency of our actions using the adverbs of frequency. They are special words that indicate how often we do an activity. Take a look...

1.- First things first: write down the adverbs of frequency in your notebook. Remember that they go before the main verb, except with the verb TO BE.

2.- Now take a look at this video to memorise them:


3.- Next, please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Talking about eating routines": exercises 20-21-22.

4.- Time for Liveworksheets: 41-42.

5.- A bit more practice? Click HERE.


1.- Study the adverbs of frequency.

2.- Finish the pending activites.

Monday, 29 April 2024

UNIT 3 - GOING SHOPPING: Quantifiers

The other day we learned the difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Let´s insist on the quantifiers which go with each type. Today we will focus on A FEW - A LITTLE. Ready?

1.- First watch this video to remember the quantifiers:


 2.- Now go to e-Dixgal - unit 3 - lesson 3 ("In the greengrocers") and do the activities 1 to 8 and read "Accept the challenge".

3.- Next, e-Dixgal again:  "Many or much": 1-2-7

4.- Finally complete The Liveworksheets number 7-8-9-10.



1.- Study the quantifiers.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple (all forms)


Do you know how to ask questions with the present simple?

How about the short answers? Of course you do! Get ready for a new exciting lesson!!!

1.- Let's sit the MNI-TEST: Present simple (all forms). You can do it!

2.- Take a look at this video now:


3.- Let´s go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Talking about eating routines": exercises 15 to 19.

4.- Now complete the Liveworksheets 38-39-40.

5.- Lastly, a bit more practice HERE.


1.- Finish the pending activities.

Thursday, 25 April 2024

UNIT 3 - GOING SHOPPING: Big numbers

Today it is the turn of the BIG NUMBERS. Don´t panic!!! They are easy-peasy!!! Just take a look at this video and then practise a bit. Enjoy yourselves!

1.- Take a look at the photocopy of the numbers you have got in your notebook. Please revise the CARDINAL NUMBERS. 

2.- Now watch this video to fix them better:


3.- Now please complete these online exercises and games:

               - Numbers 1-10   HERE.
               - Numbers 10-20   HERE.
               - Numbers 1-100   HERE.

               - Big numbers    HERE

4.-  Finally, enjoy this game:  MONSTER NUMBERS GAME

Well done!


1.- Study the numbers and the expressions to use in a shop.

2.- Complete the Liveworksheets 5-6.

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN. Present simple (revision)

Today we are going to revise the affirmative and negative forms of the present simple and we will learn some eating routines around the world. Do other countries have the same routines as us? Let´s see!
But before that, let´s take the mini-test. hands on!
But we will also learn to ask questions with this tense. Easy-peasy!

You know that  it is important to keep on practicing the present simple, so here are some activities and exercises to do so. Ready?

1.- First of all, let´s have a competition in teams HERE.

2.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Eating routines": activities 2-3-4-5-7-8-9.

3.- Next, please complete the Liveworksheets 37 and 38.

4.- Finally, please complete these online games: 

     - GAME 1: presente simple affirmative

     - GAME 2: present simple affirmative

     - GAME 3: present simple afirmative and negative

     - GAME 4: present simple 3rd person

     - GAME 5:  crossword

Good job!!!


1.- 1.- Study all the forms of the present simple for a MINI-TEST next day.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

UNIT 3 - GOING SHOPPING: Countable and uncountable nouns

 In English there is a difference between countable and uncountable nouns. Depending on the noun, we have to use one quantifier or another. Take a look...

1.- First things first: watch this video to know the difference between countable and uncountable nouns:


 2.- Now let´s see the quantifiers and articles we have to use with each type of noun. Pay special attention to MUCH - MANY and SOME - ANY:


 3.- You are ready to work now! Please go to e-Dixgal - unit 3 - lesson 2 ("Is there any...?") and do the exercises 1-2-3-4-5; please also read Accept the challenge and make a guess. 

4.- Now please complete the Liveworksheets number 3 and 4.

5.- Next, let´s revise the numbers: cardinals and ordinals.

6.- Finally, practice the numbers HERE.




 1.- Study the countable and uncountable nouns. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple - negative form

Today we will continue learning the uses of the present simple, this time in its negative form. 

We will meet the auxiliary verb DO and  how to use it. Be careful with HE - SHE and IT!!!

1.- Write down the negative form of the present simple in your notebook.

2.- Now take a look at this video:


3.- Next, complete the Liveworksheets 31 to 33.

4.- Finally, play these online exercises HERE.

 HOMEWORK: Please 

1.- Study the negative form of the present simple for a MINI-TEST next day. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Monday, 22 April 2024

UNIT 3 - GOING SHOPPING: Clothes and accesories

 Do you like going shopping? What kind of things do you like to buy?  Do you prefer to buy online? In unit 3 we will talk about all these topics. Ready?

1.- Design the first page of unit 3 "Going shopping" in your notebook, write down the contents and also stick all the vocabulary related to this unit (you can also see it in Calameo, on the right).

2.- Now go to e-Dixgal, unit 3 ("Going shopping"), lesson 1 ("Buying things") and do the activities 1-3-4-5 and Accept the challenge.

3.- Next, please watch this video to reinforce the vocabulary of clothes and accesories:


4.- Finally take a look at the expressions we use when we go shopping for clothes:


5.- Now you can complete the Liveworksheets 1 and 2 in unit 3.

6.- Finally, you can review the numbers HERE.



1.- Study the new vocabulary: clothes and accesories - shopping expressions - numbers.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3. Practise the numbers.

4. Enjoy this loooong weekend!!!

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple

Today we will learn the present simple. We use this tense to talk about routines, habits and general truths. It is very easy to conjugate it, we only have to remember to add  "S" to the verb in the 3rd person singular (HE - SHE - IT). No panic!!! It´s easy-peasy!!! Let´s see an example with the verb TO LIKE:

I like
You like
He likeS
She likeS
It likeS
We like 
You like
They like

1.- First of all, write down the affirmative form of the present simple in your notebooks.

2.- Let´s watch this video to solve your doubts:


3.- Now please write down the rules to add "S" in the 3rd person singular.

4.- Time for Liveworksheet number 30.

5.- Some online exercises for more practice HERE

6.- Finally, play this online game HERE.: Zombie boardgame.


1.- Study the affirmative form of the Present simple for a MINI-TEST next day.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Thursday, 18 April 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Writing and Speaking test

Today we have our WRITING and SPEAKING TEST: a monologue about "Last weekend". Remember to keep calm and do your best. And try to sound like a native speaker. 

1. Once you finish, please design the first page of unit 3.

2. Then write down the contents.

Thank you!


1.- Take a rest during the weekend. You deserve it!



Today we will be real chefs!!! We have to put on our aprons and hats, wash our hands and get ready to follow the instructions to prepare two delicious desserts: one typically British (
banoffee tart) and the other from Australia (Fairy bread).

Remember that a good chef doesn´t make a mess. He/she goes cleaning what he/she uses and tidies up everything at the end. It is extremely important to follow a good hygiene at all times, and that means: remove rings and bracelets before you start, wash your hands frequently, tie up your hair, clean the counter, don´t pile up the dirty dishes and clear up everything at the end. I am sure you know them all, don´t you?

Let´s go!

1.- First of all, watch this video to see what ingredients we need for a banoffee pie and the steps to follow:


What is fairy bread? It´s an Australian snack made from sliced bread, butter and sprinkles, more commonly known as 100s and 1000s (hundreds and thousands). There is a variation of this delicious snack: The unicorn toast, which is made of chocolate flavoured sprinkles instead. Most Australians grew up with this beloved sugary snack, which was reserved for birthday parties and special ocassions like Christmas Day or Australia Day.


 2.- Now it is your turn. Listen to the teacher and follow her instructions. Hands on! 

3.- Once you finish, you can eat them up. Do you like them? Yummy!!!

4.- Clean and wash all the utensils you have used.

5.- Finally, write down one of the recipes in Liveworksheets number 28 and complete the 29 too. Here are some verbs you may need:

                  take - spread - put - cut into slices - decorate - peel - cut in two - enjoy

6.- Now you can enjoy the presentation of this delicious day. Just click on the image to start:


1.- Study the steps to prepare a banoffee pie and some fairy bread. 

 2.- Finish the pending activities. 


Wednesday, 17 April 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Grammar test

Today we are sitting a test about the past simple of regular and irregular verbs. So... put your thinking caps on and focus on the tasks!!!

Tuesday, 16 April 2024


Are you ready for cooking? Let´s see some recipes today and get ready to be chefs next Friday. You will need an apron, a kitchen cloth and your best spirit to make a delicious dessert. Yummy!!!
Let´s go!

1.- First of all, let´s write a recipe in our notebooks: fruit salad. Remember that we have to write both the utensils we are going to need and the instructions to follow.

2.- Watch this video to see it more clearly:


3.- Let´s go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "The price is right": exercises 1 and 2.

5.- Now, EDIXGAL again - unit 3 - "It's cooking time": activities 7-8-9-10.

4.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 25-26-27.


1.- Study the new vocabulary.

2.- Bring an apron and a kitchen cloth for the next lesson. We will be real chefs!

Monday, 15 April 2024


Today we are having a mini-test with the past simple of some irregular verbs. Easy-peasy!

Next, let´s do some revision for the grammar test of next Wednesday. Hands on!!!

1.- First things first: let´s take a look at the final project: "Last weekend".

2.- Write down a similar composition in your notebook. Remember to divide it in 4 paragraphs:

     - PARAGRAPH 1: A brief introduction

    -  PARAGRAPH 2: Activities you did last Saturday

    -  PARAGRAPH 3: Activities you did last Sunday

     - CONCLUSION: A short conclusion

3.- Now you can watch this video to practise:


 4.- Next let´s finish the activities in e-Dixgal - Revision: BOOSTER ACTIVITIES 16 to 20.

5.- Then, please complete the Liveworksheets 59-60-61-62.

6.- Now you can write your project in your notebook: "Last weekend".



1.- Study hard for the GRAMMAR TEST. You have to know the simple past (in affirmative, negative and interrogative) with:

     -  the verb TO BE

     - there was - there were

     - regular verbs

     - irregular verbs

2.- Prepare your WRITING and SPEAKING TEST for next Thursday or Friday: Last weekend.


We already know a lot about food and healthy eating, so it is time to learn how to cook. I am sure that some of you are real chefs, but can you read a recipe in English? What about explain it? Let´s see some useful verbs and expressions to do it. Ready?

1.- Firstly, please write down the vocabulary related to cooking in your notebook: actions and utensils.

2.- Now watch this video to learn them by heart:


3.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - UNIT 3 - "It´s cooking time" and do the activities 1 to 10. 

4.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 21-22-23-24.


1.- Study the new vocabulary. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Saturday, 13 April 2024

PDI: Enchanted landscapes

This year the whole school is working on a project called "Enchanted landscapes", focusing on the forests. As you know, we always try to give it an English touch, so o
n this 2nd term we have researched the similarities between Galicia and our sister land: Ireland. Both countries have always had a strong bond and connection, especially in the greenery. Some people even say that the Irish descend from the Milenians, Breogan´s sons, and that we have the same DNA. What is undeniable is that our landscapes are quite similar. Take a look at this presentation made by the pupils in year 6 and click to learn more about this fascinating world. You will also know about the magical creatures that inhabit the Irish woods. 

Ladies and gentlemen: "Forestry in Galicia and Ireland".

Thursday, 11 April 2024


 Last revision of the time!!! Hands on!!!

1.- First of all, a competition in groups: HERE.

2.-  Secondly, let´s practice individually these online games:

                      - GAME 1 

                     - GAME 2 

                     - GAME 3 

                    - GAME 4 

                     - GAME 5 

                    - GAME 6

3.- Finally, some Liveworksheets: 19 to 22.

You are more that ready for the test!!! Good job!!"!


1.- Mini-test next Monday, the 15th of April.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of irregular verbs 3

Today we will learn the last groups of irregular verbs. Come on! They are not so complicated!

1.- First of all, let´s sit the mini-test. The best of luck!

2.- Now write down in your notebook the negative and interrogative forms in the past, as well as the question words of this unit. Here is a video for you:


 3.- Next please go to e-Dixgal and complete the last lesson. REVISION: do the activities 2 to 15. You will find a bit of all the contents learned in this unit.

4.- Finally, do the Liveworksheets number 56-57-58.



1.- Study the past tense for a GRAMMAR TEST next Wednesday, the 17th of April. Remember that all the verbs are included: TO BE, there is-there are, regular and irregular verbs (in the past).

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- You can practise for the exam with this video:


Wednesday, 10 April 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of of irregular verbs

 Let´s continue learning some more irregular verbs. Easy-peasy!

1.- First watch this video to see how to form the negative and interrogative form with the irregular verbs:


 2.- Now let´s go to e-Dixgal, unit 2 , lesson 8 "Ho,ho,ho": please do the activities 1-2-3-5-6. 

3.- Next, complete the Liveworksheets number 52-53-54-55.

4.- Finally, you can play this online game HERE.

5.- To practise a bit more, try HERE some more online exercises.



1.- Study the irregular verbs for a mini-test on Monday.

3.- Finish the pending activities.

Tuesday, 9 April 2024


Today we will review all the new words and expressions we have learned so far. Get ready for a MINI-TEST next Monday about the time. Hands on!!!

1.- Firstly, go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "The new menu": activities 1-2-4-5-6-7.

2.- Next, go to LIVEWORKSHEETS and complete the activities number 16-17-18.

2.- Now you can practise the time with this online games HERE,  and HERE.

3.- More online games, this time about food:

     - My plate - HERE

     - Food pyramid - HERE and HERE

You are more than ready for the test!!!


1.- Study for a MINI TEST on Monday, the 15th of April 2023, about the time.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Monday, 8 April 2024

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: The time (complete)

What Time GIF - WhatTime - Descubre & Comparte GIFs
Ready for the mini-test about the food? Hands on!

Today we will learn how to tell the time in English. After reviewing the easy parts (o´clock - half past - wuarter past - quarter to), we need to move on and learn the rest. 

No panic!!!! 

It´s easy-peasy!

1.- First things first: take a look at the clock in your notebook. Observe that there are 2 halves: PAST - TO. 

In English, we have to say the minutes before the hours. For example: 

                       1:05 - It´s five (minutes) PAST one. 

                       1:55 - It´s five (minutes) TO two.   

2.- Now watch this video:

3.- Next please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Talking about your eating routines": activities 1 to 14.

4.- Finally, time for Liveworksheets: 14-15.


1.- Study the time for a mini-test next Monday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of irregular verbs

 It is time to learn the past tense of some irregular verbs. Don´t panic! They are just a few and not very complicated, you´ll see.

1.- First things first: write down the list of irregular verbs in your notebook (you can also see them in Calameo, on the right).

2.- Now watch this video to remember some irregular verbs:  

3.- Next, please go to e-Dixgal, unit 2 - lesson 5 "When I was": complete the exercises 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and read "Accept the challenge".

4.- Finally, do the Liveworksheets number 48-49-50-51.



1.- Study the irregular verbs for a mini-test next Monday, the 15h.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Saturday, 6 April 2024


The second term of Arts and crafts is here for you! As you know, with our project "4 in a year" we are approaching to different artistic styles, techniques, formats and artists through the seasons. During this second term, we have worked the winter and learned about the Impressionism with Claude Monet and Berthe Morisot. We were very lucky to count again on Xulio Gallego, who taught us the colour wheel and the use of paintbrushes and tempera paints. Thank you, Xulio, for all your knowledge, patience and commitment. See you again in spring!

Congrats on the great job you have done! You are real artists!!!

Here is a summary of our hard work. Just click on the image to start.

Thursday, 4 April 2024

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: The time (half and quarters)

The concept of time is one of the most fundamental and mysterious aspects of our existence. It is something that we all experience and perceive, but it is difficult to explain. We can define the time as a measure of the duration of events. We measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years..., and we use it to track the changes around us.

Today we are going to review how to express the time, especially the 4 main parts of the clock: o´clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Are you ready?

1.- Practise the time with these online exercises  HERE.

Good job!


1.- Study the vocabulary of the food for a MINI-TEST next Monday, the 8th of April.

2.- Finish the pending activities.



 Ready for a test? It´s easy-peasy!

Remember that we are ging to do a reading and a listening comprehension about the simple past of regular verbs. Hands on!

1.- Please go to Liveworksheets number 12-13-14 (TESTS) and follow the instructions.

2.- Once you finish, please check if you have done all your tasks.

Good job!


1.- Enjoy the weekend!

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Menus and times

We now know a lot about foods, food groups and meals. It´s time to talk about the time and the different parts of a menu. How many courses do you eat for lunch? And for dinner? Do you usuallly have starters? And dessert? 

What time do you usually have breakfast on a weekday? What about lunch? And dinner? And at weekends? Do you change your meal times during the holidays?

 Let me know your eating routines, please!

1.- First and foremost, write down in your notebook the parts of a menu.

2.- Now, watch this video to remember them all:


3.- Let´s take a look at the time next. Stick the photocopy of the clock in your notebook and watch this video:


4.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - UNIT 3 - "What food do you like?" and do the activities 1 to 10 and the CROSSWORD. 

5.- Finally, Complete the Liveworksheets number 12-13-14-15.


 1.- Study the new vocabulary.

2.- Finish the pending activities. 

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Florence Nightingale

Today we will review the past simple of regular verbs through an inspiring story: the life of Florence Nightingale, a famous Bristish nurse from the past who changed the conditions in hospitals to improve the recovery of the soldiers during the Crimean war.

She is an example of a powerful woman who fought against the established rules of her time.


1.- First of all, let´s watch a video about Florence Nightingale, a very famous British nurse from the past. Then, please go to the Liveworksheet number 48 and complete the activities at the same time:


2.- Finally, some online games: GAME 1 - GAME 2 - GAME 3.



1.- Finish the pending activities

2.- Get ready for a LISTENING and READING TEST in the next lesson.

Tuesday, 2 April 2024


Today we are going to revise how to speak in the past tense, but only with regular verbs. Remember that we have to add "ED" and use the auxiliary verb DID - DIDN'T to form interrogative and negative sentences. 

Don´t forget how to pronounce the "ed" or there will be some misunderstanding. 

Hands on!!!

1.- First of all, watch this video to remember how to form the past simple of regular verbs:


 2.- Next, let´s remember some spelling rules to add "ED":


 3.- Now we are ready for action: please complete the Liveworksheets number 42 to 47.

4.- Finally, try these online exercise to reinforce what you have learned HERE.



1.- Finish the pending activities.

2.- Get ready for a LISTENING and READING TEST next Friday, the 24th of March, about the past simple of regular verbs.


Food, food, food... Food is sooo important in our lives. It gives us the nutrients we need to grow healthy and develop our daily activities. Therefore it is extremely important to follow a healthy diet. Have you ever heard about the "5-a-day programme"? Or about "My plate"? Do you eat healthy food? What is your favourite food?

1.- First of all, let´s write some foods of each group of the pyramid in our notebooks. How many have you got?

2.- Next, let´s take a look at the daily meals. How many meals do we have a day? Watch this video and then write them in your notebook:

3.- Now please go to E-DIXGAL - unit 3 - "A new experience at school" and do the activities: 1 to 6, the CROSSWORD, activities 7 to 10 and ACCPET THE CHALLENGE. 

4.- Finally, please complete the Liveworksheets number 4 to 8.



1.- Study the new vocabulary for a MINI-TESTfor next Monday, 8th of April:

     - The food pyramid

     - My plate

     - Meals

2.- Finish the pending activities.