
Friday, 12 May 2023

PDI - GALICIANISE YOURSELF: The other Coruñas of the world

Today we will have a special visitor in our  class: Mark Guscin, an expert in the relationships between A Coruña and the English world. Did you know that our town has got a close connection with England? Listen to what Mark is going to tell us and you will discover that the battle of Corunna had a big impact in the British soldiers who participated in it. This fact explains why there are so many Coruñas or Corunnas around the world. You will see...

1.- Now please find the places that Mark has mentioned in an online map HERE.

2.- Then, please print the screen and save it in your computer as an image.

3.- This is the result of your research:



1.- Time to hit the books: Study hard for the GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY TEST: Monday, the 15th of May.

And finally, a memory of this memorable talk:

CORUNNAS OF THE WORLD - Mark Guscin - 12th May 2023