
Wednesday, 5 April 2023


Yes! We made it one more time! The episode 5 of "The Book Nook" is here! You already know that we are in the 2nd season of this fascinating radio programme, made fully in English for and by YOU, the students of Emilia Pardo Bazán school.  

After an entire term of really hard work, we have released the second show of this school year 2022-2023, and the fifth in its story. And the results couldn´t be better! Thank you so much to all the collaborators for your effort. 

In the Genially below you can listen to the entire programme or you can go directly to each one of our sections: 

1. Intro: summary

2. "Speak out": our survey section: When is the best moment to read?

3. "Our book Clubs": with members of Bookworms and BookLand.

4. "Meet the author": in this ocassion we will meet the controversial Irish author Oscar Wilde.

5. "Galicianise yourself - The Celts": a section related to the PDI "Galeguízate"; this time we will present our ancestors, the Celts, and our close connection with Ireland.

6. "Our natives count": we will interview Cristina Pato, a Galician bagpiper in New York, who kindly came to our school to talk about her experience in the Big Apple.