
Sunday, 15 January 2023


As you know, this school year we are developing a project about the seasons called "4 in a year". We try to learn as much as possible about the 4 seasons of the year through different activities that we create using the new technologies. Well, our first approach has to do with the autumn or fall. You have already listened to the podcast we have recorded in our school radio station, read our recommendations to go green in autumn and watched our classroom display. In this ocassion, we present some images created with AI (Artificial Intelligence). To do so, we have used a programme called Wombo Dream: we just entered a prompt (3-4 words related to the autumn), picked an art-style and waited until Wombo turned our idea into an AI-powered painting. And the results couldn´t be better. Take a look...

                                             AUTUMN IN AI - YEAR 5 - 2022-2023 

Here it is the whole experience of the autumn for you to enjoy.