
Monday, 12 December 2022

PDI: "Galicianise yourself"

Today we will finish our SPEAKING TEST about the autumn. Think about 3 activities you like to do in this magical season, full of singing trees and dancing leaves.

1. Meanwhile it is not your turn, please read the second part of the reading "Adventure in te Big Apple". Remember that you have the book and the audio in EDIXGAL.

2. Later, please complete the Liveworksheets number 4 - 5 - 6 (READERS CLUB).

3. Now let´s read the information about Cristina Pato, a powerful Galician woman: she is a musician, writer and educator, who migrated to New York some years ago and works as a professor at a university. She will visit us next Wednesday! Take a look at this video as a summary of her recents collaborations and awards:

4. You cannot miss her TED Talk in Madrid 9 years ago: "Migrations and other songs" 


5. For more info, please visit her website HERE.

6.- Cristina Pato is coming to visit us in ordert to offer her vision about our tangible and intangible heritage, which is the topic of our PDI this school year: "Galicianise yourself". But first, let´s define about what migrants pack when they decide to leave their homeland. To do so, please follow this presentation: