
Monday, 7 November 2022


Today we will review the verb TO BE in the present simple. And we will learn about a traditional English celebration: Bonfire Night. But first, please complete the mini-test about the subject pronouns. Ready?

1.- First, write down the affirmative form of the verb TO BE in your notebook.

2.- Next watch these 2 videos to memorize it:

3.- Now complete the Liveworksheets numbers 31-32-33.
Resultado de imagen de VERB TO BE

4.- You can play these games below:

5.- A little bit of history now. "Remember, remember the 5th of November". England celebrated Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes´ Day last weekend. Have you ever heard of this tradition? Children make a guy with old clothes and stuffed with newspapers, they put it on the top of a bonfire and burn it. There also are firework displays in all villages and cities. It´s great fun! It´s typical to eat roasted potatoes, chestnuts and toffee apples. Yummy! Take a look:

6.- Finally, please go to Liveworksheet - SEASONS and do the number 5-6.

 HOMEWORK:  Please

1.- Study the verb TO BE in affirmative for a mini test on Wednesday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.