
Monday, 30 May 2022


 Today is the day... 

No worries! Just focus on the tasks and ask if you have doubts.

Don´t stress! Do your best and forget the rest!!! 

Sunday, 29 May 2022


The second edition of  
"OUR ENGLISH MAG" is in your eyes and ears at last. A group of 18 journalists and reporters in year 5 at Emilia Pardo Bazán School have created an exclusive article each for this magazine, all of them are related to THE SEA, which is the topic of our school PDI this year.  Therefore this is a special edition. Under the title "A BLUE DAY", we invite you to spend a day (or more) enjoying the benefits of the BLUE and to discover the different types of sea: a sea of calm, of hope, of wonder, of surprise, of fun, of flavour, of colours... but also of mystery, of confussion, of fear, of war...Are you ready for a "blue experience"?

Remember that this incredible magazine is fully in English and that you can both read it and listen to it. Yes! Every article comes with an audio recorded by the author! You only have to click on the image of the loudspeaker that appears on every page to hear it. 

Very many thanks to all the collaborators who, voluntarily, have made this dream come true once again. This activity is part of the English class, as a way to improve our skills in this language.


Saturday, 28 May 2022


Here is the new episode of
The Book Nook, our favourite radio programme, made for and by YOU. It is the third edition and it comes full of  your invaluable collaborations, opinions and comments. You can´t miss it!  It is a great chance for us to get closed to the world of the radio, as well as a fantastic tool to improve our speaking skills in a foreign language. As usual, the programme is divided in 5 different sections, all of them related to books:

1. Speak out: a survey section to know your reading preferences, in this ocassion: "What do you prefer: books or films?". Difficult choice!

2. Our Book Clubs: a section to follow what we have been reading in our book clubs and with some recommendations for the summer.

3. Meet an author: dedicated to a contemporary English writer:  Roald Dahl.

4. Dive in the deep blue sea: a section related to the PDI, the project we are working on this school year. In this third programme, we recommend you to have a BLUE DAY.

5. Our Natives count: a section to meet one of the English speakers of our school community: Declan Mathews, our favourite Irish man.

In this old radio, you can click directly on a specific section. Or, if you prefer, you can also listen to the full programme.

And it is time to say goodbye. This is the last programme of this school year, but we will be back next September with new ideas. Send us your suggestions. You can be a member of the radio team!!!

Congrats to you all!!! You made it!!!

Friday, 27 May 2022


How can we put all the things we have learned in this unit together? Through the end-of-unit project, of course! So...  hands on!!!

1.- Stick the template of the project in your notebook. 

2.- Let´s read it carefully, analysing the paragraphs and expressions used in it.

3.- Now it is your turn: write down your own project. Try to use as many expressions as you can. Remember to divide it in 5 paragrapphs, one for each meal of your day:

     - INTRO: a sentence to start

     - PARAGRAPH 1: breakfast

     - PARAGRAPH 2 : morning snack

     - PARAGRAPH 3: lunch

     - PARAGRAPH 4: afternoon snack - tea

     - PARAGRAPH 5: dinner

     - OUTRO: a sentence to end

4.- Video time: some expressions you can use in your project


5.- Next, go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - Revision unit:  crossword and activities 14 to 20.

6.- Finally, Liveworksheets 42 and 43.


1.- GRAMMAR TEST Monday, 30th May 2022:

     - present simple

     - adverbs of frequency

     - food quantifiers

     - likes and dislikes


Wednesday, 25 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Likes and dislikes

Today we will finish the unit 3 by learning different ways to express likes and dislikes. There are a variety of expressions apart from I like / I don´t like. Which ones do you know? Let´s see a bit more. Ready, steady... GO!!!

1.- First things first: write down the new expressions in your notebook.

2.- Now watch this video to practise:


3.- Time for some revision: please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Revision unit": activities 2 to 13.

4.- Finally, check if you have done all your Liveworksheets for this unit.


1.- Sudy the new expressions nd get ready for a GRAMMAR TEST next Monday.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Monday, 23 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Food quantifiers

Today we will recap all the contents we have been learning so far. Besides, we will learn the difference between COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLE nouns, as long as some food containers and quantifiers. 
Is it all Greek to you? Don´t panic! It is easy-peasy!  Ready?

1.- First of all, stick the photocopy with the new vocabulary in your notebook.

2.- Now, let´s take a look at the new expressions to learn them by heart. Watch this video to fix them in your brain:

3.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "What food do you like?": activities 12-13-14.

4.- Next, please go to EDIXGAL again - unit 3 - "The price is right": exercises 3 to 9.

5.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 38-39-40-41.


1.- Study the new vocabulary.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Friday, 20 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Adverbs of frequency

Now that we are all experts in the present simple, we can include the frequency of our actions using the adverbs of frequency. They are special words that indicate how often we do an activity. Take a look...

1.- First things first: write down the adverbs of frequency in your notebook. Remember that they go before the main verb, except with the verb TO BE.

2.- Now take a look at this video to memorise them:


3.- Next, please go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Talking about eating routines": exercises 20-21-22.

4.- Time for Liveworksheets: 35-36-37.

5.- A bit more practice? Click HERE.


1.- Study the adverbs of frequency.

2.- Finish the pending activites.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple (all forms)

Do you know how to ask questions with the present simple?
How about the short answers?

Get ready for a new exciting lesson!!!

1.- Write down the interrogative form of the present simple in your notebook as long as the short answers. Remember to use the auxiliary verb DO.

2.- Take a look at this video now:


3.- Let´s go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Talking about eating routines": exercises 15 to 19.

4.- Now complete the Liveworksheets 30-31-32-33-34.

5.- Lastly, a bit more practice HERE.


1.- Study all the forms of the present simple for a MINI-TEST next day.

2.- Finish the pending activities.

Friday, 13 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple (revision)

Today you are going to a concert, so we won´t have our English lesson. What a pity! But you are going to enjoy the music and the musicians, I am sure of it! 

Besides, we have a very long weekend ahead, so we won´t see each other until next Wednesday. Wow! Try to relax and enjoy the holidays!

However, it is important to keep on practicing the present simple, so here is your homework for this long long weekend:


1.- Mini Test next Wednesday, 20th May: present simple in affirmative and negative (long and short forms).

2.- EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "Eating routines": activities 2-3-4-5-7-8-9.

3.- An article about the sea for the magazine (voluntary).

4.- If you haven´t done it, please complete the recipe in Liveworksheet number 24: banoffee or PB&J.

5.- Enjoy the holidays!!!

Wednesday, 11 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple (negative form)

Today we will continue learning the uses of the present simple, this time in its negative form. 

We will meet the auxiliary verb DO and  how to use it.

Be careful with HE - SHE and IT!!!

1.- Write down the negative form of the present simple in your notebook.

2.- Now take a look at this video:


3.- Next, complete the Liveworksheets 28 and 29.

4.- Finally, if you want some more practice, click HERE.

 HOMEWORK: Please 

1.- Study the negative form of the present simple for a MINI-TEST next day. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Monday, 9 May 2022

UNIT 3 - AT THE SCHOOL CANTEEN: Present simple (affirmative form)

Today we will learn the present simple. We use this tense to talk about routines, habits and general truths. It is very easy to conjugate bacause all the persons are the same, except for the 3rd person singular, where we have to add an "S" or "ES" to the verb. No panic!!! It´s easy-peasy!!! Let´s see an example with the verb TO LIKE:

I like
You like
He likeS
She likeS
It likeS
We like 
You like
They like

1.- First of all, write down the affirmative form of the present simple in your notebooks.

2.- Let´s watch this video to solve your doubts:


3.- Now please write down the rules to add "S" in the 3rd person singular.

4.- Time for Liveworksheets number 26-27.

5.- Some online exercises for more practice HERE

6.- Finally, play this online game HERE.: Zombie boardgame.


1.- Study the affirmative form of the Present simple for a MINI-TEST next day.

2.- Finish the pending activities.


Friday, 6 May 2022


Today we will be real chefs!!! We have to put on our aprons and hats, wash our hands and get ready to follow the instructions to make two delicious desserts: one typically British (
banoffee tart) and the other from the USA (PB&J).

Remember that a good chef doesn´t make a mess. He/she goes cleaning what he/she uses and tidies up everything at the end. It is extremely important to follow a good hygiene at all times, and that means: remove rings and bracelets before you start, wash your hands frequently, tie up your hair, clean the counter, don´t pile up the dirty dishes, clear up everything at the end. I am sure you know them all, don´t you?

Let´s go!

1.- First of all, watch this video to see what ingredients we need for a banoffee pie and for a PB&J, and the steps to follow:



2.- Now it is your turn. Listen to the teacher and follow her instructions. Hands on! 

3.- Once finished, you can eat them up. Do you like them? Yummy!!!

4.- Clean and wash all the utensils you have used.

5.- Finally, write down one of the recipes in Liveworksheets number 24 and complete the 25 too. Here are some verbs you may need:

                  take - spread - put - cut into slices - decorate - peel - cut in two - enjoy


1.- Study the steps to prepare a banoffee pie and a PB&J sandwich. 

 2.- Finish the pending activities. 


Wednesday, 4 May 2022


Are you ready for cooking? Let´s see some recipes today and get ready to be chefs next Friday. You will need an apron, a kitchen cloth and your best spirit to make a delicious dessert. Yummy!!!
Let´s go!

1.- First of all, let´s write a recipe in our notebooks: fruit salad. Remember that we have to write both the utensils we are going to need and the instructions to follow.

2.- Watch this video to see it more clearly:


3.- Let´s go to EDIXGAL - unit 3 - "The price is right": exercises 1 and 2.

5.- Now, EDIXGAL again - unit 3 - "The new menu": activities 1-2-4-5-6-7-8-9-10.

4.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 21-22-23.


1.- Study the new vocabulary.

2.- Bring an apron and a kitchen cloth for the next lesson. We will be real chefs!

Monday, 2 May 2022


We already know a lot about food and healthy eating, so it is time to learn how to cook. I am sure that some of sure are real chefs, but can you read a recipe in English? What about explain it? Let´s see some useful verbs and expressions to do it. Ready?

1.- Firstly, please write down the vocabulary related to cooking in your notebook: actions and utensils.

2.- Now watch this video to learn them by heart:


3.- Now please go to EDIXGAL - UNIT 3 - "It´s cooking time" and do the activities 1 to 10. 

4.- Finally, Liveworksheets number 19 and 20. 


1.- Study the new vocabulary. 

2.- Finish the pending activities.