
Monday, 19 April 2021

UNIT 2 - SIMPLY THE BEST: Past simple of irregular verbs

Today we will learn the last groups of irregular verbs. Come on! They are not so complicated!

1.- First of all, let´s sit the mini-test: go to Liveworksheets and complete the number 68 and 69. The best of luck!

2.- Now write down in your notebook the negative and interrogative forms in the past, as well as the question words of this unit and the final project. Here is a video for you:


 3.- Next please go to e-Dixgal and complete the last lesson. REVISION: do the activities 2 to 15. You will find a bit of all the contents learned in this unit.

4.- Finally, do the Liveworksheets number 70 to 74.



1.- Study the past tense for a grammar test this Friday, the 23rd of April. Remember that all the verbs are included: TO BE, there is-there are, regular and irregular verbs (in the past).

2.- Finish the pending activities.

3.- You can practise for the exam with this video: