
Sunday, 25 June 2017

Friday, 23 June 2017


And this is the end.... After a lot of laughter, fun, games, letters, videos, exams and homework, it´s time to say goodbye. You will start a new adventure in September, but always remember that a part of you is here, in Emilia Pardo Bazán Primary School. There is a Japanese legend that says that everyone of us have a red string tied around our pinky finger which connects us with all the people who have been important for us. Well, my red string of fate is connected to all and every one of you... I will miss you!!!
But remember... it´s not goddbye, it´s... SEE YOU LATER!!!

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


And with the school year about to finish, we have spent our last English lesson playing 2 typical games: Scavenger Hunt and Sally go round the sun.
To play SCAVENGER HUNT we had to go to the school playground and look for ten spring items: a leaf, a stick, a flower, a shamrock, a berry, a feather, green grass, ... The first team completing the list was going to be the winner, but the truth was that all the teams were really fast. So... no winners and no losers. After collecting all these things, we created a masterpiece with them. Take a look...
SALLY GO ROUND THE SUN is a Canadian folk song to play and sing in a big circle, keeping the beat with your feet. We had already learned it with the music teacher so... this time was easy-peasy! 

Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Today, 20th of June, is World Refugee Day. We live in a world where war and violence force thousands of families to flee from their countries in really hard conditions. To make people concious about this situation, on this day we commemorate the strength, courage and perseverance of millions of asylum seekers. Stop for a minute and take a look...