
Sunday, 31 January 2016


Every year, on the 30th of January, schools celebrate Peace Day. We always talk about peace, but what is peace to you?, what does it mean? Peace is sharing, giving, loving, kissing, hugging, ... Listen to this kids opinions...
Happy Peace Day to you all!!!

Friday, 29 January 2016


As you know, we are having different activities around the English language and culture: talks with native speakers, plays, concerts and workshops. Well, this month we have participated in a dance workshop. We have learned 2 traditional British dances: "Portsmouth" and "The Maypole dance".

"Portsmouth" is a dance from the XVIII century. It´s got the name of a very important town in the south on England, where the Royal Navy was. It was a meeting point for people from around the world. It was also Charles Dickens´ hometown. The dance tries to represent its motto: "The light of the sky is our guide". The dancers stand in 2 lines (one for boys and the other for girls) and interact to meet each other. The music is by Mike Oldfield.

"The Maypole dance" tries to celebrate the arrival of the summer, which means flowers and good weather. On the 1st of May, the men of the village went to the forest,  cut a tree and prepare a pole, decorating it with ribbons of different colours. This was called the Maypole. Then, they put it in the main square of the village and people danced around it, making a plait with the ribbons. This is a very old tradition from many countries in Europe, not only from the UK.

After practising for a long time, having rehearsals during the breaks, we finally went to the Agora to dance last Wednesday, the 27th of January. We had a fantastic show with other 3 schools: CEIP. Ramón de la Sagra, CEIP. San Pedro de Visma and CEE. María Mariño. We performed several dances from all over the world to celebrate Peace Day. It was a complete success!!! We had great fun!!! We are great dancers!!!

Saturday, 16 January 2016


Do you want to create your avatar? Look at the one I´ve made. It´s not difficult! Listen carefully to my explanations and you will get one. Just go to and start!

Monday, 11 January 2016


This year we are going to start a new project: PENPALS. We are going to exchange some letters with the pupils of an English school in Manchester: Saint James´ Church of England Primary School. Our new friends are in year 5 and in year 6. The teacher of foreign languages who is in charge of the international communications is Ms. Jackie Fay.
We are really excited and happy! Our first letter is titled: "This is me". We are looking forward to reading their replies.
If you want to know a bit more about this school in England, just click on the image bellow.

Friday, 8 January 2016


Happy New Year everyone! We are back! And we have started with a new talk by a native speaker. Today we have received the visit of Betham Thomas, a biomedical researcher from Wales. She explained many things about her country: the flag, the emblems and symbols, the capital, its main cities, ... We all have learned a lot and we have had a great time! And, at the end, we could make a wish throwing a gold coin into a wishing well. Will my wish come true?