
Friday, 19 December 2014


Holidays at last!!! Now it´s time to play, relax and enjoy the Christmas time. You all deserve this break after a long long term of hard work. But don´t forget to be good... Father Christmas is watching you...
Happy Christmas to you all!!!
See you in 2015!!!

Thursday, 18 December 2014


What is Christmas like in Great Britain? Have a look at this video and you will learn everything about this celebration in the UK.

Monday, 15 December 2014


Yes! Christmas is already here and we are preparing our school concert one more year. It will be this Friday and we are going to sing a very famous Xmas song: "HAPPY Christmas" by John Lennon.
Sing along...

Sunday, 14 December 2014


This year we have joined the British celebrating our first Christmas Jumper Day. On the 12th of December we all wore a Xmas sweater to help kids in need through associations like Make a Wish or Save the Children. Remember:

Make the world better with a sweater

Saturday, 13 December 2014


There´s no bussiness like show bussiness. Have you ever dreamt of being a performer in a circus? I have. I would like to be a trapeze artist or an acrobat, the problem is my vertigo! But I´ve got a better idea. I´ve got tickets for the Half Moon Circus! Do you fancy coming?
This is what my 6th year pupils did last Thursday, 11th December. We met Meg and her famous grandfather Krusty the clown, and the cruel ring master. Have a look...!
Thank you so much to the Parents´ Association in our school (ANPA Milnenos) for financing this English activity. They brought an English theatre company to our school: Face2Face.

Sunday, 7 December 2014


Continuing with our talks about British culture, last Thursday 4th December we received the visit of a Scottish misician: Rupert Twine. He lives and works in A Coruña. He teaches piano and harmony in "Escuela de Músicos", a music school in Maestro Mateo Square. We learned many things about his hometown, Scotland. He talked to us about its landscape, its main cities, its traditions, ... And he named us members of 3 different clans: Old Stuart (royals), McKinlay (brave hunters) and McDonalds (brave fighters). And he even gave us a piece of our family tartan!!!!
Finally we enjoyed listening to him and to our music teacher (Pedro) playing some Scottish music and singing some popular songs, such as "Auld lyne syne".
We all had a great time. Thank you so much, Rupert!!!

Sunday, 16 November 2014


Beatrice, an English girl, visited our classroom last Thursday to talk about the autumn or fall. It was a great day because we learned many things about this season and especially about a cute bear: Paddington Bear. Beatrice was born in London and she lived near Paddington Station, where this famous character appeared. Apart from this, we recited some famous poems and we explained how British people celebrate the most popular autumn festivals: Halloween, Bonfire Night and Poppy Day. Finally, we all ate a delicious marshmallow that Beatrice gave us as a memory of her visit. She told us that we can melt it on  a bonfire... Yummy!!!
Thanks a lot, Beatrice!!!

And now a trailer of a new film about Paddington Bear coming soon.

Sunday, 9 November 2014


As we didn´t have class last Friday, class 6A couldn´t celebrate Halloween, so we did it a week later. It doesn´t matter. The thing is that we enjoyed a lot playing the 4 Halloween games. Take a look and see...

Saturday, 1 November 2014


As I told you the other day, Halloween is time for pumpkin lanterns, fancy dress costumes, frights and parties. And we had a great party in the English class last Thursday. We played 4 Halloween games:
- The mummy dance
- The ghosts race
- The monster´s eye dance
- Apple Bobbing 
We all had a great time! And we ate some sweets too! YummY!!! Here is a memory of that day.

Friday, 31 October 2014


I am completely astonished!!! Your pumpkins are amazing!!! You are authentic artists!!! Thank you so much for your great job. Don´t you know what I am talking about? Take a look...

Thursday, 30 October 2014


One more year, it is time to be scared. Spooky creatures appear everywhere: ghosts, witches, vampires, monsters, zombies, ... Bit it is also time for having fun: we decorate the classroom, we carve pumpkins, we dress up, and we get wet playing Apple Bobbing. Yes!!! You guessed! It´s Halloween!!! Remember that it is a tradition from English-speaking countries. Do you want to learn more about it? Have a look at this video and you will see how British kids celebrate it at home.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

123... magic!

Last Thursday, the 23rd of October, we received a special visitor: Joshua Bernal, a proffessional magician. He talked to us about magic: what magic is, the magician´s clothes and materials, types of magicians, ... We learned a lot about magic and illusion. We all lived a magical and wonderful day. If you want to see a memory of his visit, click below. And if you want to see a performance of Joshua, you can go to La Tuerca 27, a small theatre near Santa Lucía Market, here in Coruña. Enjoy yourselves!

Thursday, 16 October 2014


Now we are learning how to describe a person. Let´s start with his physical appearance. We have to say how his hair and eyes are, his height and weight, and if he has got something special (freckles, braces, glasses, ...) But, appart from this, we need to know how his personality is. This could give us an idea about how this person looks like. It is not difficult. These videos can help you.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Now that the autumn is already here, do you fancy a conker fight? CONKERS is a traditional British game, very popular at schools during the autumn months. You need a conker hanging on a string and an opponent. Watch this video to see how to prepare your conker for the game and what the rules are. Ready for the competiton? Good luck!

Saturday, 11 October 2014


Today, 11th of October, is International Day of the Girl Child. It was declared by the United Nations on October 11, 2011, for the first time. It is a response to an urgent problem of our world today: the neglect and devaluation of girls around the world. It pretends to create more opportunity for girls because of the gender inequality. This inequality includes areas such as right to education/access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, violence against women and unfree child marriage. The theme of this year 2014 is: 
"Empowering adolescent girls: Ending the cycle of violence"

"On this International Day of the Girl Child, I call on all governments to take action to end all forms of violence against girls in all parts of the world. Together, we must create a world where violence against women and girls is never tolerated and girls are always empowered to reach their full potential. "
Secretary-General of the UNO Ban Ki-moon

Sunday, 14 September 2014


We all have some resolutions when we are back to school. What are yours? My resolution is to be more patient with my students. And I´m going to work really hard to get it. Listen to the resolutions of these Irish students. Some of them are fantastic! You can get some ideas...

Thursday, 11 September 2014


We are back again! Back to school!!! 
Maybe we can feel a bit lazy after being without any obligations during the summer. But... that´s life! We need to go back to normal and start this new school year full of energy. I know this is going to be a really good one! And going back to school is not so bad. New teachers, new friends, new school materials, new books, ...
Prepaer your ears to listen to your teachers again! But... what does the teacher says? Have a look...
Wecome back to school to everyone!

Thursday, 19 June 2014


Just one day for our summer holidays! Tomorrow is our last day at school and then... BEACH TIME. There are plenty of things you can do at the beach: swim in the sea, sunbathe, collect some treasures, make sandcastles, eat ice-creams and have lots of fun! So... enjoy your summer holidays! See you in September!

Monday, 28 April 2014


In this unit we are learning how to use comparatives in English. It´s not difficult! Take a look at this video...

Tuesday, 22 April 2014


Now that we are learning about the animals in the class, I wonder if you know the sounds the animals do. They are different in English and in Spanish. There is a very popular song that explains this. Do you want to hear it? I´m sure you do...

Friday, 11 April 2014


After a long long second term, we all deserve the Easter holidays. I love Easter, do you? I love chocolate eggs and participating in egg hunts and egg rolls.
President Obama also loves Easter. He organizes a fantastic Easter party at the White House every year.
Check out the best of the 2014 White House Easter Egg Roll held on the South Lawn of the White House.

Monday, 31 March 2014


London is one of the most popular cities around the world. You have lots to see and do in London. Today we had the visit of a girl from London (Susana) thanks to Oxford University Press. She made us talk about this wonderful place. Yes! Because we talked to her about its monuments, museums, places, .... We read a book titled "London" in the English class and we already knew many things about this fascinating city. As Samuel Johnson said: When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life".
Here are some photos and a video about this fantastic day. Thanks Susana and Thanks Oxford University Press!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

EARTH 2014

One more year the world celebrates the Earth Hour. Most of the cities around the globe are going to participate in this massive event. In Coruña, The Tower of Hercules and Maria Pita Square are going to turn off its lights at 8 o´clock in the evening for one hour. Just an hour, 60 seconds, to protect our planet. Do you want to join it?

Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Fantastic! Today we have had an Irish visitor in the English class: Declan Mathews. He came to our school to talk about his country: Ireland. We learned many Irish customs and traditions, especially the ones related to Saint Patrick´s Day. But we also gave him a susprise when we all sang the beautiful song "Molly Malone". In fact, we did it so well that he had another surprise for us: gold coins!

Monday, 17 March 2014


Another celebration: Saint Patick´s Day. Remember that Saint Paddy is the patron saint of Ireland or Eire. Today many people around the world is wearing green and marching in big parades on his honour. Let´s join the celebration!

Saturday, 8 March 2014


Today, March the 8th, it is International Women´s Day. I´m sure all of you know a brave woman: your mums, grannies, aunties, ... The world is full of them. Let´s celebrate it! 
Happy International Women´s Day!

Monday, 3 March 2014


At last! Here comes the sun! And the smiles are coming to the faces... What beautiful days! Everyone is happy after a long dark winter. Why don´t we listen to this beautiful song by the Beatles? Enjoy it!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


I would like to interview you because I want to know more about you. Can you answer these 20 questions? Thank you!!!

Monday, 24 February 2014


Do you fancy going out for lunch? We can go to Stanley´s international restaurant. He has different food every day. Listen carefully. They use the simple present tense.

Thursday, 20 February 2014


Here is a video with the most common daily routines. What do you do every day? Have a look...

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


Now that we are learning the times in English, we can play a popular British game: What´s the time, Mr. Wolf? It´s a typical game to play in the school playgroung, during the break. And it is great fun!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014


Last Sunday, the 26th of January, Aussies celebrated their day: Australia Day. That´s why we had the visit of an Australian teacher, Pepe Liste. He is not from Australia but he brought up there. He works as teacher of American Literature in the faculty of English Philology (University of Coruña). We learned many facts about this big country: its flag, its money, a bit of its history, its animals, its landscape,.. It was a really interesting talk. Do you want to go over it again? Have a look at the photos and at the PPT.
Thank you for coming, Pepe!

Thursday, 16 January 2014


Yes! It´s true! The Niagara Falls are frozen. There is a polar cold wave all over Canada and the USA that causes spectacular views like this one. Amazing! The Niagara Falls are on the border of both countries and they are one of the most popular tourist attractions.

Monday, 13 January 2014


It´s freezing cold these days! It´s normal because winter is here again. We haven´t got snow in Coruña but if you travel a short distance you can see it and enjoy it. By the way, do you remember the winter vocabulary? If not, have a look at this video...