
Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Today, November the 30th, is Saint Andrew´s Day, patron saint of Scotland. So Scots all over the world celebrate their national day with traditional food, music (bagpipes) and dancing. It is also a bank holiday.

But do you know many things about Scotland? Scotland is one of the countries of The United Kingdom. It´s located in the north. It´s capital city is Edinbourgh and it is also the country of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, the bagpipes and the kilts.

The Scotish flag is the cross of St. Andrew´s, also known as the Saltire, a white cross on a blue background.

The Scotish emblem is a thistle. A legend says that many years ago, a group of Scots were sleeping in a field when a group of Vikings came to attack them. But one of the Vikings stood up on a thistle and its prickles penetrated through to his foot and made him shout with pain. His cries woke up the sleeping Scots and saved them. From this day, the thistle became the emblem of Scotland.
And finally, if you want to know who St. Andrew´s was, watch this video. Enjoy it!
Happy St. Andrew´s Day!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

CHILDREN´S RIGHTS: "Self-expression"

And finally, Chile did it also really well with this video about the right "Self-expression".
Remember all your rights. They are for you. But don´t forget we also have responsabilities.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

CHILDREN´S RIGHTS: "A protective environment"

Scotland was in charge to make the video for this right: "A protective environment". And the results were excellent. Have a look!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

CHILDREN´S RIGHTS: "Freedom from discrimination"

"Freedom for discrimination", this is the fourth right we are going to learn. Remember:


Monday, 22 November 2010


Are you enjoying these cartoons for Child Rights? I am, a lot. Now it´s time for the third right: EDUCATION (India).

Sunday, 21 November 2010

CHILDREN´S RIGHTS: "Right of family"

Let´s go on with children´s rights. Today we are going to learn the second one: RIGHT OF FAMILY.
This spot was made in Argentina. Enjoy it!

Saturday, 20 November 2010


Today, November the 20th, is the Universal Children´s Day. This year we celebrate the 21st anniversary of this important day for you, dear kids.
In 2006, UNICEF released the "Top Ten Cartoons for Children´s Rights" to conmemorate the 15th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This initiative wanted to inform people all around the world about the children´s rights. All the spots are non-verbal in order to focus on the message, regardless the language. They were made in 32 different countries and last 30 seconds. Some of them won pretigious rewards.
During the next days, I will publish them one by one so that you can watch them all. Let´s start with the 1st right: IDENTITY (Iran)

Friday, 12 November 2010


What is your vision of nowadays education? Do you like school? Do you like the way your teachers teach? Do you think it is worthwhile to spend 5 hours a day and 5 days a week writing and solving exercises in your notebook? The kids that appear on the following video have got a very clear idea of what they want to learn and how to do it. Do you agree with them?

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Soon we will have the exam of unit 1. Remember that this unit is about school and one of the things we have to learn is the school subjects. And nothing better than this famous song to do it. Ladies and gentlemen, "Wonderful world" by Sam Cooke.

Friday, 5 November 2010


To finish with the Halloween week, I would like to say THANK YOU to you all for your collaboration and CONGRATULATIONS on your works. They are really fantastic! You always do it better than I expected. Don´t you believe me? Have a look at this slideshow and you will see...


Today, November 5th, people in Great Britain celebrate Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes´ Day. Guy Fawkes was one of a group of Catholics who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605 to kill the king James I. But they failed: they put 40 barrels of gunpowder in the cellars of the Houses of Lords but they were discovered and arrested. This is known as the Gunpowder Plot. Since then, and to remember it, people light bonfires with a guy on top representing Guy Fawkes. There are also fireworks displays. It´s traditional to eat jacket potatoes, toffee apples, potato pie, ...
Watch this video to know more about this event and play the game below to help Guy Fawkes with the barrels of gunpowder. Enjoy it!

Thursday, 4 November 2010


After watching yesterday´s video about teachers, I was a bit worried. Of course teachers are GOOD. We do this and much more. We work in a world in constant change but we also change with it and improve our resources and methodology. Don´t you agree? If you watch this video, you can see how teachers are today.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Teachers, you can´t miss this video. Listen to this boy and check if you fit him. Think carefully about it. Can you be his teacher? Can you be the teacher of our kids? This is a transcription of what he says:

"If you don't know the internet you can't be my teacher, I need someone who knows what I know. Meet me on the web, at least half way. Teachers today need to be literate to relate to digital natives.

Are you going to teach me in a school?
Are you going to make me sit in a desk all day?
Is this what you are going to use to teach me with?
Do you know how to use a computer?
Are you a teacher?
Are you my teacher?
Are you going to teach me using the internet?
Are you going to teach me how to be safe on the internet?
Do you know what goes on on the internet?
Are you sure you are my teacher?
Are you going to learn how to use the technology?
I am a digital native.
Do computers scare you?
Are you afraid to use them?
Have you been on facebook?
Have you been on twitter?
Have you been surfing?
Do you even know what is on the internet?
Are you going to be my teacher?
Or just that textbook?

Because I want to know...
what the world has to offer
And if you are not on the internet...
and know nothing about computers.
you can't be my teacher!
I said you can't be my teacher.
Make room for somebody who knows how to use the internet.
Do you think I am going to be ready?
Do you think you are preparing me for the world that I have to live in?
Do you think I am going to be ready?
That's your job! "