
Monday, 17 May 2010


Today, May the 17th, is Galician Letters Day or Galician Literature Day. The first celebration took place in 1963 to commemorate the centenary of "Cantares gallegos", the first work written in the Galician language by Rosalía de Castro. Since 1963, each Galician Literature Day has been dedicated to a different writer in the Galician language. This year is dedicated to Uxío Novoneyra, a poet from O Courel, who died in 1999. He wrote many poems and tales for children, such as "Ilda, o lobo, o corzo e o xabarín" or "Gorgorín e Cabezón".
Many events will take place today around Galicia, so why don´t you go and enjoy this important day for us? Let´s live as Galicians! Let´s be proud of our language! Because... MALO SERÁ!