graphics & comments April Fools Day Graphics
Today, April the 1st, is April Fools´ Day. April Fools´ Day is a time of fun, especially for kids. It´s a day when you can play tricks on your friends, relatives, neighbours, ... It´s celebrated in many countries, such as Portugal, France, Germany, UK, USA, Italy and Brazil. It is interesting to note that many countries celebrate this day of pranks, but pranks and jokes do vary from country to country. For example, if you are in Portugal, don’t be surprised if your best friend throws handfuls of flour at you. In India, April Fool's is celebrated as the arrival of spring at the Huli Festival. Children and adults alike smear brightly coloured powder all over the body to welcome the new season. Morning time is when the best pranks take place in England. If you fall victim to a prank there, you are called a "noodle", and if you forget to play your joke on someone in the morning, then you must remember not to do so after noontime, or bad luck will fall on you.
A similar tradition is celebrated in Spain and Latin America, but it takes place on December the 28th and it´s called Día de los Santos Inocentes.
By the way, did I mention that you must finish all the activities in your Activity Book during these holidays? Happy April Fools´ Day!